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Comment: Cleaned up for version 1.7


This page has been updated to reflect changes in VetView version 1.7

titleMajor Changes in 1.7

For a full list of privilege changes in Version 1.7, please go to Privilege Changes in Version 1.7

In VetView, privileges Privileges can be grouped into custom rolesRoles.  Those  These roles can then be assigned to users.  A  

A user may be in multiple roles. The program ships with some pre-defined roles and each role is tied to a specific set of privileges. You can either assign users the default roles defined in the system or create your own.         assigned to multiple roles, if they perform more than one function within the hospital.

Navigating to the Role Management




To access the Role Management screen, click on “Navigation” option and in the “User Account and Setup Data” section click on the “Role Management” option. 


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Using the Role Management



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Roles Search section where you can search for existing roles by entering the role name and clicking on the Search button.


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At the top of the Role Management screen is a role search.  Use this to jump quickly to a specific named role, rather than paging through the full list of roles.

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Click on a role name and click Edit to open the privilege setup screen, or double click a row to open it.

titleAdd a New Role
  • To add a new role in VetView click on the “Add Role” button. You will be redirected to the “Role Info” page.

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On the Role Info page you will find all available security privileges that pertain to various sections of the program. You can assign all privileges to a role by using the “Select All” buttons or by selecting the root privilege.

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  • You can also assign Individual privileges based on a section or functionality by checking the appropriate check box. Once you have made your assignments, click on the “Save” button to save the information.
titleEdit a Role
  • To edit privileges for an existing role, you can either double click on the role in the grid or highlight the role and click the “Edit” button. You will be redirected to the “Role Info” page where you can view and edit privileges for that role.
titleDuplicate a Role
  • To create a role based on another role, select the existing role from the grid and click on the “Duplicate Role” button. The “Role Info” page will be displayed. You can rename the duplicate role in the “Name” field, edit privileges and save the changes.

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For any given role, the minimum number of privileges needed for a user to do their basic job functionality should be included.  For users with overlapping job responsibilities, you can add additional roles to allow them to perform their tasks.

Click on the Save button to add this role to the system.  Roles are assigned to users via the User Management system.  

To Duplicate a role, click on the row with the role you want to copy, then click on the duplicate role button.  A new role page will load with the previous role's privileges already selected.