General Description
The Admission Screen can be used to search for admission via several fields and filters. It can also be used to create new admissions/pre-admissions.
Number | Name | Description |
1 | Pre-Admission Number | This field allows the users to search by the pre-admission number of the admission they're seeking. |
2 | Animal ID | This field allows the users to search by animal ID (or "patient name" as it is sometimes called). |
3 | Case Number | This field allows the user to search by a case number (or "patient number" as it is sometimes called). |
4 | Sex | This dropdown allows the user to select the sex of the patient from a list. |
5 | Species | This dropdown allows the user to select the species of the patient from a list. |
6 | Breed | This dropdown allows the user to select the breed of the patient from a list. |
7 | Client | This dropdown allows the user to select a client from the list of all client (it helps to begin typing in a name to narrow down this list). |
8 | Unit | This dropdown allows the user to select the unit the admission is under from a list. |
9 | Personnel | This dropdown allows the user to select personnel assigned to the admission from the list of all active personnel (it helps to begin typing in a name to narrow down this list). |
10 | Diagnosis | This dropdown allows the user to select the diagnosis that may be listed on the admission (when active, this box allows you to select a diagnosis from a list of all diagnosis codes in the system). |
11 | Type | This dropdown is a multi-select tool that allows the user to select one or more episode types for the admission. |
12 | Admitted Date | These boxes allow the user to enter a start date, end date, or date range within which to search for an admission. |
13 | Episode Status | These checkboxes allow the user to select one or more episode statuses to search for. |
14 | "Toggle All" | This button turns on all episode statuses for the search. |
Admission Screen: