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Hospital Patient Privileges

The patient record has a large number of privileges.  In order to make navigation on this page easier, these privileges are broken out into workflows and functional areas.

The order of privileges on this page may not match the order of privileges on the Role Management screen as they have been split into these functional areas.  Use CTRL+F to find the corresponding privileges on Role Management

Access Patient Record is the root level privilege for most other privileges on this page.  Without any other privileges, this access privilege grants view only access to the patient records.


Image Added

All other privileges below can be granted to users based on your hospital's policies regarding billing, prescriptions, and editing of medical records. 


titleCommunication Privileges

These privileges allow users to manage communications for a patient.  These may be given to non-clinical personnel, such as client coordinators, who handle call backs and appointment reminders


Patient Communications Privileges



Manage Verification CommunicationAllows


a supervisor to turn off automatic communications during the Verification process.  These can be resent later on the Comm Worklist.Patient Record
View Episode Communication Log


Displays the right Communication Log panel on the Patient Record.  This can be expanded or hidden when needed.Patient Record


Print Patient Comm Log


Displays the Print button on the Patient Com Log panelPatient Record


titleEpisode and Patient Information

These privileges involve the creation and processing of episodes and the data of the patient.


Add Episode Communication LogAllows the user to create a new


entry on the Episode Communication Log, such as indicating a phone conversation with the ownerPatient Record
Add Episode ContactAllows the user to add


a new contact on the Episode Communication LogPatient Record


Patient Episode Privileges

Create EpisodeAllows the user the ability to create a new episode/PA from the Patient Record, outside of the Admission screenPatient Record
Add Episode AlertAllows the user to add an


Episode Alert to the patient record.Patient Record
Create EstimateAllows the user to create a new


estimate for the episode


from the Patient Record, as opposed to the Admission screenPatient Record
Modify Existing ContactsAllows the user to make changes


on the Patient Contacts


titleDocuments, Requests, and Attachments

These privileges concern the digital documents that contain the reports and other content of the episode itself.


titleSOAPs, TPRS, and Diagnosis

These privileges revolve around the non-document content of the episode, aka "smart objects", which have their own workflows within the episode.


Edit Episode Problem


Verify Diagnoses


titleOrder Management

These privileges allow the user to add items to the bill.  The Pick List option is the most restrictive minimum privilege, and will allow the user to add items only from a pre-established list.  


titlePrescriptions and Medications

These privileges allow users to request, approve, and modify prescriptions on the clinical side.  Privileges on the pharmacy side are handled through Pharmacy Setup.


titleAdmin Privileges

These privileges are elevated and recommended only for users at the administrative level.  These allow you to fix mistakes made on medical records, such as duplicate clients or episodes. 


tabPatient Record
Set Bill PartyAllows the user to designate someone other than the patient's primary owner as the Bill Party for this episodePatient Record
Grant Release of InformationAllows the user to change the information released flags on a patient contact.Patient Record


Documents, Requests, and Medical Record Groups



SOAPs, TPRs, and Diagnosis



Patient Prescriptions



Patient Details


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Setup & Admin Guides
Setup & Admin Guides