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Objective: Display all Pending or recently completed Requests for a unit in a widget. Add a flag for a Request to require a follow up, that can be cleared by adding a Client Communication via the widget

New Request Attribute Flag - Communication

This attribute will be set at the Catalog level, as part of the Workflow options.


Requests for Catalog items that are part of a catalog that require this attribute must have the Communication flag on the Request cleared under the following conditions:

  • The episode has been discharged

  • The Request was completed after the date/time of Discharge

Requests that are completed before the Discharge occurs will have the flag cleared automatically, under the assumption that the results were communicated to the client during the episode.

In the database, it should appear as an attribute on the HOSPITAL_REQUEST


And when a Communication has been recorded against the Request, log the name of the user and the date time.

This communication is done via a new right click menu on the patient record, the Request screen, or via the same option on the new Pending Request widget.

The communication is recorded on the Patient Com Log, and then cleared on the request itself.

Pending Requests Widget Main Body


The columns needed in this widget are:

  • Unit

  • Request No

  • Priority

  • Description

  • Patient (concatenation of case no and patient name as a hot link to the patient record)

  • Status

  • Status date

  • Needs Comm

The bar menu on the right should have the same functionality as right click.

Set Default Search should open up the Pending Requests Widget options menu.

Add Communication Menu Item / Detached Patient Comm Log Window

This should open up a floating window version of the Comm Log from the patient record, as a short cut of sorts.

This new window should also be added to the Requests screen as a right click option (but not to the patient record, as that’s where the actual comm log lives, after all.)

Adding an entry to this should change the attribute status of Communicated to be “yes” (e.g. Needs Comm turns into “No”) and put in the date and time stamp of the user who submitted the Comm entry on the request itself.


Pending Requests Widget Options

The options for this widget have a little bit more complexity.

In addition to the multi select for units and Request Status, we will need to have the option to change how many days back in time the requests should display on this widget before falling off.

Users can also choose to display Requests that have already met the requirement for completing communications. If this check box is not turned on, then a Request that has met the required communication (date and time of comm and user in the request table) does not need to display. Only incomplete requests and requests that still require a communication should appear in the list.

Incomplete comm requests should always display, regardless of the Date setting.
