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All mockups and mini projects that impact the Patient Record.Add additional visualization of patient medical records and new functionality in TPR/Vitals and addition of a treatment sheet workflow. Part of these changes will be to organize information better with a logical flow.

1️⃣ Adding in new tabs and organizing information

Starting with the Summary tab moving down the tabs into more detailed information and/or workflows.


  • Summary Tab - Show active list of high-level data about the patient.

    • Demographic

    • Alerts

    • Visits

    • Appointments

    • Reminders

    • Master Problem and Diagnosis

    • Prescriptions

    • Vaccinations

    • Most recent Labs and Imaging


  • Visits Information - Visit based medical records grouped in a structured medical record groups in descending order inside of each group.

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  • Timeline Tab (New) - Displays medical record information in reverse chronological order. Each row is a unit on information like, history document, request, daily SOAP, client communication, etc.

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  • Treatment Sheet Tab (New) - Displays treatments sheets in sub tabs that are active and a history tab of previous sheets. Treatment Sheets are designed for tracking medical care while the patient is hospitalized. Treatment sheet orders are displayed in categories based on type of data.

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  • Prescription Tab - Displays the prescription history in sub tabs grouped by type and/or status.

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  • Patient Details and Contacts Tab - Rearrange the details and contacts tab into a single tab, moving documents and notes to a separate tab.

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  • Documents and Notes Tab - Rearrange these tabs from the current details tab to provide more working space.

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  • Group Patient and Billing Package Tabs - will dynamically show or hide based on usage.

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