Field Name | Description |
Add Button | Opens up the Add/Edit charges window to link a product to this catalog item. |
Edit Button | Opens the Add/Edit charges window to modify an existing charge. |
Delete Button | Removes the link between this catalog and a product. |
Product Selection | In the Add/Edit product window, allows you to search for a product by line, sequences, or description. |
Quantity | The quantity of this product that will be added to the patient’s bill. |
Auto Bill | When this flag is checked, the charges will be added automatically when the product is added to the bill. If this flag is not checked, then the charges are associated with the product, but won’t be added until |
Catalog Item List
This section displays a list of Catalog Items that match selected search criteria.
Or if you have selected a Catalog on the left panel, this section will show all the Catalog Items that belong to that catalog.
In this example, General Surgery was the unit searched, and it displays all Catalog Items that belong to the unit General Surgery,
Field Name | Description |
Add | Opens up a blank Catalog Item screen. |
Edit | Opens up the Catalog Item screen for the selected item. |
Delete | Opens up a Delete/Merge dialog box for the selected catalog item. If a catalog item was never used on a patient record, it can be deleted. Otherwise, you will need to merge it with an existing catalog item to avoid breaking the links between Catalog Items and patients. Note: If you only want to prevent the Catalog item from being used going forward, it is better to set it as Inactive to preserve the historical data. |
Add New Catalog Item
Clicking on the Add Catalog Item button will open up a blank Catalog item screen. This screen has a similar layout to a Catalog screen with three panels:
Catalog Item Properties on the left
Report layout in the center
Palette/Properties tabs on the right
For Catalog Item Properties, there are differences between the available options for Documents and Requests. As soon as you select a Catalog, the Catalog Type will display, and the options available will change.
Common Catalog Item Properties
These fields are available on all Catalog item types.
Field Name | Description |
Label | The name of the Document, Request, or Internal Lab item as it will appear within VetView. |
Description | A more detailed description of the Catalog Item, if needed. |
Catalog | The Catalog that this item belongs to. This can be changed, but will alter the rest of the parameters. It may be better to duplicate the Catalog Item first if you want to move it to a new catalog to avoid losing data. |
Catalog Type | Indicates whether the Catalog that this item belongs to is a Document, Request, or Internal Lab. |
Unit | Displays the unit that this Catalog belongs to. |
Medical Record Group | Allows you to select where this Document, Request, or Internal Lab appears on the Patient Record. Medical Record Groups are managed under Hospital Setup. |
Report Override | Indicates that this catalog item should have a special report template associated with it, instead of the VetView default. Leave this blank unless you have already created a special purpose report. |
Active Flag | This checkbox controls whether the Catalog Item is visible in the rest of the system to add to patient records. If this flag is turned off, all historical versions of the document will remain intact, but the Catalog Item is no longer available to add. |
Requires Verification | This checkbox indicates that the Document or Request must be verified before it can be released to a Client or RDVM. (This option does not apply to Internal Labs, whose results go through a separate Finalization process.) |
Spay/Neuter Patient | This checkbox indicates that if the document or request is added to a patient record, the patient will have been spayed or neutered by the time the episode is Discharged. This will trigger the patient’s Sex to change according to the Sex Setup settings. (For example, a male animal will change to male neutered automatically.) |
Display Time | This displays the time that the document, request, or internal lab was added on the header on the patient record. |
Due Dates (child of Display Time) | If this flag is checked, the document can have a due date set. This is recommended for student documents such as SOAPs, or for any document or request that should be completed within a certain time frame of being added. Note that these due dates are separate from the MAR prescription deadlines, which are handled in their own system. |
Document Only Catalog Item Properties
Field Name | Description |
Show “Draft” Watermark until: | Since Documents do not have as tight a workflow as Requests, the document may become available on the patient portal immediately, or sent out to RDVMs as a preliminary report. This gives you the option to show a “draft” notice on the document until an additional step is taken, such as verification or discharge. |
Request and Internal Lab Catalog item Properties
Field Name | Description |
Separate Request | |
Item Can be pre-ordered | |
DVM Required to order | |
Approval Required to Order | |
Add Charges to Client Bill When: |
Internal Lab Only Catalog Item properties
In addition to the Request Catalog Items, the Internal Labs have additional options of their own. Note that certain Internal Lab options are controlled at the Catalog level, such as whether a specimen is expected with the Internal Lab Request.
Field Name | Description |
Update Lab Question | This option will automatically pull in the Lab Questions that were created by the VetView Lab for this Catalog Item, even if they change in the future. |
Charges for Lab Tests Set By: | This allows you to choose how the Lab Charge for this Hospital item will be defined. If your Hospital charges a single flat fee for the test, you can have it set by the Hospital Catalog (static) and then add the charge on the Charges section. Or you can have the fees automatically added by the Lab Charge on the VetView lab side, to capture any price changes from the labs automatically. |
Request Form Setup Panel (Requests Only)
Field Name | Description |
Report Setup Panel (Both Documents and Requests)
Panel | ||
| ||
This section was previously called Digital Document Setup. It has been merged into the Catalog Item Setup page in 5.0. |
Field Name | Description |
Palette Items and Element Properties
Panel Name | Description |
Pick Lists | |
Pick List Categories | |
Pick List Items |
Pick List Panel
To view the contents of an existing pick list, click on the Pick List name. It will highlight, and the categories that belong to the pick list will load.
To view the description of any specific item, mouse over the Info Dot. The description will appear in the mouse over text.
Pick Lists Fields
Field Name | Description |
New Pick List | |
Print Pick List |
Pick List Categories Panel
Like the main pick lists, a summary description of the categories is visible via an info dot.
Field Name | Description |
Pick List Items Panel
Field Name | Description |
Add or Edit a Pick List, Category, or Item
(image of the add pick list window)
Field Name | Description |
Set a Pick List as Inactive
(image of the blank add button)
Field Name | Description |
Sort Pick List Categories or Items