Versions Compared


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 Lab Access

Grants users ability to :

  • Access Labs Home Screen
  • Add/Remove Widgets on the Home screen
  • Access Mail Screen
  • Access Navigation Menu
  • Access Client Type Setup screen


  • Also allows the Lab Module to be accessed from the Hospital screen when enabled


 Access Results

Grants the user access to the Result Entry tab on the Accession screen.

 Add Accession Documents

Grants the user ability to Attach and Edit Accession Documents. User must have the View Accession Documents privilege before they can access the Documents tab.

 Add Charges

Grants the user ability to add new charges to an accession.

 Admin Edit Header

Grants the user ability to Edit Header and Send Accession Report under the Administration tab on the accession screen.

 Allow Specimen without Patient

Grants the user ability to add specimen to the accession without specifying patient(s).

 Back Out Accession

Grants user access to the Back Out Accession and Check Accession option under the Administration tab on the Accession screen.

 Cancel Accession

Grants the user ability to access the Cancel Accession button under Administration tab on the Accession screen.

 Cancel Test

Grants the user ability to cancel a test from an accession

 Create Accession

Grants the user ability to create a new accession.

 Delete Accession

Grants the user ability to access the Delete Accession button under Administration tab on the Accession screen.

 Delete Accession Documents

Grants the user ability to delete accession documents under Documents tab on the Accession screen.

 Delete Test

Grants the user ability to delete tests from an accession.

 Edit Accession Charges

Grants the user ability to edit accession charges auto added by the system or added by other users under the Charges tab on the Accession Screen. User must have the “View Charge(s)” privilege in order to access the Charges tab and perform this function.

Edit Accession NoGrants users ability to edit existing accession numbers.

 Edit Header

Grants the user ability to access the Edit Header button under Administration tab on the Accession screen.

 Edit Tags

Grants the user ability to add/delete accession tags from the accession header.

 Lock Accession

Grants the user ability to lock/unlock accession from the Administration tab on the Accession screen.

 Mass Finalize

Grants the user ability to finalize multiple accession using the “Finalize Selected Accessions” button on the Accession Search screen.

 Modify Results

Grants the user ability to enter/modify results under Result Entry tab on the Accession screen.

 Remove Case Coordinator

Grants the user ability to set to the accession Case Coordinator field to be blank.

This privilege is only applicable when the Case Coordinator Finalize setting in Lab Setup is enabled. The setting dictates whether a case coordinator must be specified for an accession to be finalized. 

 Send Reports

Grants the user ability to send accession reports to associated contacts using the “Send Preliminary Report” button on the Accession screen.

 Transfer Accession

Grants the user ability to transfer accession using the Transfer Accession option under the Administration tab on the Accession screen.

 Unfinalize Accession

Grants the user ability to unfinalize finalized accessions.

 Update Accession

Grants the user ability to

  • Alter/update existing accessions.
  • Access to the Accession Details tab on the Accession screen where they can:
    • Add Single Patient
    • Add Specimen
    • Add Test
    • Add Multiple Patient
    • Hide/Show all questions
    • Edit Multiple Patients
    • Edit Multiple Specimens
  • Access the Result Entry tab where they can:
    • Access Dx Coding

 View Accession

Grants the user ability to view the Accession screen.

 View Accession Documents

Grants the user access to the Documents tab on the Accession screen where they can view and attach accession documents.

 View Charges

Grants the user access to the Charge(s) tab on the Accession screen.



 Access Accounting

Grants the user access to the Accounting screen.

 Access Administration Tab

Grants the user access to the Administration tab on the Accounting screen where they can recalculate accession charges and client balances.

 Access Reports Tab

Grants the user access to the Reports tab on the Accounting screen.

 Add Accounting Charges

Grants the user ability to :

  • Add miscellaneous charges to clients with finalized accessions on the Finalized Charges tab under the Current Charges tab on the Accounting screen. The added misc. charges will be displayed in the accounting tab on the client management screen.
  • Add miscellaneous charges to clients with working accessions on the Working Charges tab under the Current Charges tab on the Accounting screen. The added misc. charges will be displayed in the accounting tab on the client management screen.
  • Add charges to accession with a working status on the Working Charges tab under the Current Charges tab on the Accounting screen.

 Create Accounting Deposits

Grants the user ability to post accounting deposits using the “Post Deposit” button on the Current Payments tab which is under the Payments tab on the Accounting screen.

 Create Accounting Payments

Grants the user ability to post accounting payments using the “Post Payment” button on the Current Payments tab which is under the Payments tab on the Accounting screen.

 Create Adjustments

Grants the user ability to add adjustments to a client account using the “Add Adjustment” button on the Invoices/Payments/Adjustments tab.

 Create Invoices

Grants the user ability to create invoice(s) for finalized charges.

  • Users will be given access to “Create All Invoices” button on Finalized Charges grid on the Finalized Charges Tab (Accounting screen> Current Charges > Finalized Charges tab)
  • Users will be given access to the “Create Invoice” button which will be visible when they expand a finalized charge record.

 Credit Card Payments

Grants the user access to the “Post Payments” button on the Credit Cards on File tab, which is under the Payments tab on the Accounting screen.

 Disable System Pending Review

Disables the system from setting the pending review flag when making adjustments.

 E-Mail/Fax Invoices

 Grants user access to Email and Fax buttons under Invoices/Payments/Adjustments on the Accounting screen.  The Email/Fax buttons are currently not functional in the system.

 Edit Accounting Charges

Grants user the ability to :

  • Edit charges under the Finalized Charges tab which is a sub tab under Current Charges tab on the Accounting screen.
  • Edit charges under the Working Charges tab which is a sub tab under Current Charges tab on the Accounting screen.

 Edit Accounting Payments

Grants the user ability to edit payments under the Invoices/Payments/Adjustments tab on the Accounting screen.

 Print Collection Letter

Grants the user ability to use the “Process Collection Letters” button under the Accounts Receivable tab on the Accounting page.

 Process Statements

Grants the user ability to:

  • Access and use “Process Statements” button under the Send Statements tab which is a sub tab under the Statements tab on the Accounting screen.
  • Access and use “Save Statements to External Folder” button under the Send Statements tab which is a sub tab under the Statements tab on the Accounting screen. Note: This button will only become available if the “Enable Accounting Reports Folder” check box is checked in Lab Setup



 A/R Client

Grants the user access to:

  • Print A/R History button on the A/R History tab on the client management screen
  • Recalculate Age Balances button on the A/R History tab on the client management screen

 Access Client

Grants the user ability to

  • Access to the client screen and the client management screen, where they can:
    • Add new client
    • Add contact info
    • Add/edit/delete client alternate price sets under the billing tab
    • Add new identifiers
    • Add new links under mappings tab
    • Add/Merge patients under the Patients tab
    • Add/Edit Delete Groups under the patients tab
  • Access to the Patient screen
  • Access to Patient record where they can:
    • Add Contact
    • Add Questions
    • Add Notes
    • Edit Patient info
    • Delete Linked RDVM
    • Delete Clinic
    • Delete Owner

 Add Client Documents

Grants the user ability to attach documents and edit attachment information under the Document tab on the Client Management screen.

 Create Client Invoices

Grants the user ability to create invoices for misc. charges under the Accounting tab on the Client Management screen.

 Create Client Payments

 Grants the user ability to post payments using the “Post Payment” button on the Current Payments, which is a sub tab under the Payments tab on the Accounting screen.

 Current Charges Tab

Grants the user access to the Current Charges tab under the Accounting tab on the Client Management screen.

 Delete Client Documents

Grants the user ability to delete attached documents under the Document tab on the Client Management screen.

 Edit Client Charges

Grants the user ability to:

  • Add Misc. Charges on the Current Charges tab which is a sub tab of the Accounting tab on the Client Management screen.
  • Add/Edit accession charges on the Current Charges tab which is a sub tab of the Accounting tab on the Client Management screen.

 Modify Billing

Grants the user ability to edit billing options under the Billing tab on the Client Management screen.

 Modify Client

Grants the user ability to edit client details on the Client Management screen.

 Submit Online Payments

Grants the user access to the “TouchNet Payment” button under A/R History tab which is a sub tab under the Accounting tab on the Client Management screen.

User must have the “Create Client Payments” privilege before they are able to access the section that contains the “TouchNet Payment” button.

 View Client Documents

Grants the user access to the Document tab on the Client Management screen.



 Access Coordinator

Grants the user access to the Case Coordinator screen where they can:

  • Print case coordinator list report
  • View accession report
  • Send accession report

 Laboratory Setup Data


 Catalog Desc Setup

Grants the user access the Catalog Description Screen where they can:

  • Organize catalog description item
  • Delete catalog description items

 Document Structure

Grants the user access to the Document Structure Setup tab on the Lab Setup screen where they can:

  • Add/edit Accession document categories
  • Add/edit Client document categories.
  • System restrict check box

 Identifier Setup

Grants the user access the Identifier Screen where they can:

  • Add/Edit new identifiers

 Lab Setup Access

Grants the user access to the Lab Setup screen where they can:

  • Add new labs

 Accession Setup

Grants the user access the Accession Setup tab on the Lab Setup page where they can:

  • Add/Edit/Delete Accession Contacts
  • Edit/Delete Accession Templates
  • Add/Edit Accession Tags on the Accession Setup tab

 Account Setup

Grants the user access to the Account Setup tab on the Lab Setup page where they can:

  • Add/Delete accounts to and from the account

 Event Setup

Grants the user access to the Event Setup tab on the Lab Setup page where they can:

  • Add/Edit/Delete event actions

 External Lab

Grants the user access to the External Lab tab on the Lab Setup page where they can:

  • Add External Lab
  • Add/Edit/Delete external lab settings
  • Import/Update and manually enter external lab catalog

 Invoice Setup

Grants the user access to the Invoice Setup tab on the Lab Setup page where they can:

  • Add/Edit invoice adjustments reasons

 Lab Client Setup

Grants the user access to the Client Setup tab on the Lab setup page where they can:

  • Add/Delete receiving lab client accounts

 Lab Report Setup

Grants the user access to the Report Setup tab on the Lab Setup page.

 Lab Setup

Grants the user ability to setup lab information on the Lab Setup tab on the Lab Setup page.

 Payment Type Setup

Grants the user access to the Payment Type Setup tab on the Lab Setup page where they can:

  • Add/edit payment types
  • Add/edit/delete external payment processor form properties

 Printer Setup

Grants the user access the Printer Setup tab on the Lab Setup page where they can:

  • Add/remove regular printers
  • Add/remove label printers

 Priority Setup

Grants the user access the Priority Setup tab on the Lab Setup page where they can:

  • Add/edit accession priorities
  • Add/edit/delete priority based on charges

 Questions Setup

Grants the user access the Questions Setup tab on the Lab Setup page where they can:

  • Add/edit/edit accession question
  • Add/edit/delete patient questions
  • Add/edit/delete species specific questions
  • Add/edit/delete breed specific questions
  • Add/edit/delete specimen questions
  • Add/edit/delete questions specific to specimen type

 Request Setup

Grants the user access to the Request Setup tab on the Lab Setup page where they can:

  • Add/delete request clients
  • Add/edit/delete mappings

 Section/Workstation Setup

Grants the user access to the Section/Workstation tab on the Lab Setup page where they can:

  • Add/edit sections
  • Add/edit workstations associated with sections

 Sites/Users Setup

Grants the user access to the Sites/Users tab on the Lab Setup page where they can

  • Add/Edit laboratory sites
  • Add/Delete assigned lab users

 Method Setup

Grants the user access to the Method Setup screen where they can:

  • Add/edit methods

 Pattern Setup

Grants the user access to the Patterns screen where they can:

  • Add/edit/delete Patterns
  • Add/edit/delete Pattern Items

 Product Setup

Grants the user ability to:

  • Access to the Product Screen
    • Add/Edit products
  • Access to product cap setup tab
    • Add/Edit product cap list
    • Add/Edit cap list product
  • Access to product line setup tab
    • Add/Edit product line
  • Access to product category setup tab
    • Add/Edit product categories
  • Access to price set setup tab
    • Add/Edit price sets

 Question Setup

Grants the user access to the Questions Screen where they can:

  • Add new questions
  • Edit questions
  • Merge questions

 Report Setup

Grants the user access to the Report Setup Screen where they can:

  • Add new request
  • Edit requests
  • Add / Populate (report) templates

 Results Setup

Grants the user access to the Result Setup Screen where they can:

  • Add/Edit results

 Test Setup

Grants the user access to the Catalog Setup Screen where they can:

  • Access to the Test Setup Screen
  • Add/Edit catalog items
  • Add/Edit tests

 Value List Setup

Grants the user access to the Value List Setup Screen where they can:

  • Add/Edit Value List
  • Add/Edit Value List Items
  • Add/Edit Value Modifier List

List Search


 Access List Search

Grants the user access to the List Search screen.

Local Reports


 Access Local Reports

Grants the user access to the Local Reports screen.

Quality Control


 Access Quality Control

Grants the user access to the Quality Control screen.

 Add Results

Grants the user ability to add new quality control results using the “Add” button on the Quality Control Search screen.

 Edit Lot Setup

Grants the user ability to:

  • Edit quality control lot entries
  • Delete quality control lot entries

 Edit Material

Grants the user ability to:

  • Add Quality Control entries
  • Edit Quality Control entries
  • Delete Quality Control entries

 Edit Result Setup

Grants the user ability to:

  • Add Quality Control Result Setup entries
  • Move Quality Control Result Setup entries Up or Down
  • Toggle Active
  • Delete Quality Control Result Setup entries.

 Edit Rule Setup

Grants the user ability to:

  • Add rules
  • Toggle Comments
  • Delete Quality Control Rule Setup entries.

 Review Results

Grants the user access to the Review Results tab for a quality control record.

 View Lot Setup

Grants the user access to the Lot Setup tab for a quality control record.

 View Result Setup

Grants the user access to the Results Setup tab for a quality control record.

 View Rule Setup

Grants the user access to the Rule Setup tab for a quality control record.

Query Builder


 Access Query Builder

Grants the user access to the Query Builder screen.



 Access Request

Grants the user access the Requests screen where they can:

  • Print Selected Requests
  • Accept Selected Requests
  • Reject Selected Requests
  • Cancel Selected Requests
  • Accept All Requests

 Delete Request

Grants the user ability to delete requests using the “Delete” button on the Requests screen.

 Send Request Report

Grants the user access to the “Send Report” button on the Request screen once a request has been accepted.

Result Entry


 Access Result Entry

Grants the user access to Result Entry screen.

Test Search


 Access Test Search

Grants the user access the Test Search screen where they can:

  • Print Working List
  • Assign tests using “Assign” button
  • Generate Worksheet
  • Generate Working List

 Finalize Accessions

Grant the user ability to finalize accessions using the “Finalize” button on the Test Search page.



 Access Worksheet

Grants users access the Worksheet screen where they can:

  • Open Worksheet
  • Finalize Worksheets
  • Delete Worksheets
  • Mark Worksheets as completed
  • Print Worksheets
  • Add Tests to worksheet using a barcode.
