Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
Field Name | Description | ||
Unit | The hospital unit to which this catalog will belong. This acts as a filter for Documents, and indicates which unit Request catalogs will be sent to. | ||
Label | The name of the Catalog as you want it to appear in all menus. | ||
Description | Additional details regarding the Catalog, if needed. | ||
Type | Choose between Documents, Requests, and Internal Labs. | ||
Active Flag | Indicates that this Catalog is active and available to choose from on the Patient Record and PA Screen. | ||
Updated Time | The last time this catalog was updated. | ||
Updated By | The last user who updated this catalog. | ||
Lab Site (Internal Lab Only) | For Internal Lab requests, you must select a lab to send the request to. Only Lab Catalog Items associated with this lab can be added to any Hospital Catalog Items associated with this Hospital Catalog. | ||
Lab Clients (Internal Lab Only) | For internal Lab requests, you must select a Lab Client that belongs to that lab to have as the reporting Clinic. To have a new hospital client account set up, contact that Lab. | Specimen Exists (Request only) | Requests should include a specimen when this box is checked. For example, The Lab Client linked to the Hospital will be the bill party for the charges, and any charges can then be passed through to the bill party on the hospital side. This method allows for an accurate list of charges that the Lab processed for the Hospital. |
Specimen Exists (Request only) | Requests should include a specimen when this box is checked. For example, blood or fecal samples, or tissue for a biopsy, or a whole body for necropsies. | ||
Send to Interface (Request Only) | This request will be sent to an external machine, such as a radiology machine. Additional setup is required both on this request and also under the Job and Interface Setup for these machines. | ||
Display URL | For Interface requests, this is the URL that will display in VetView based on manufacturer’s requirements. | ||
Portal URL | For Interface requests, this is the URL that will be accessible from the external client portal to view the results of the request. | ||
Priority Flag | This opens up the Priority option on the request - ASAP, Stat, etc. | ||
Workflow Options | Requests can have additional statuses, such as Performed, Transcribed, etc. This flag turns on the additional workflow options for the request. These are optional. |
Field Name | Description |
Add | Opens up a blank Catalog Item screen. |
Edit | Opens up the Catalog Item screen for the selected item. |
Delete | Opens up a Delete/Merge dialog box for the selected catalog item. If a catalog item was never used on a patient record, it can be deleted. Otherwise, you will need to merge it with an existing catalog item to avoid breaking the links between Catalog Items and patients. Note: If you only want to prevent the Catalog item from being used going forward, it is better to set it as Inactive to preserve the historical data. |
Add New Catalog Item
Clicking on the Add Catalog Item button will open up a blank Catalog item screen. This screen has a similar layout to a Catalog screen with three panels:
Document Only Catalog Item Properties
Field Name | Description |
Show “Draft” Watermark until: | Since Documents do not have as tight a workflow as Requests, the document may become available on the patient portal immediately, or sent out to RDVMs as a preliminary report. This gives you the option to show a “draft” notice on the document until an additional step is taken, such as verification or discharge. |
Request and Internal Lab Catalog item Properties
Field Name | Description | |||
Separate Request | Item Can be pre-ordered | DVM Required to order | Approval Required to Order | Add Charges to Client Bill When: |
Internal Lab Only Catalog Item properties
In addition to the Request Catalog Items, the Internal Labs have additional options of their own. Note that certain Internal Lab options are controlled at the Catalog level, such as whether a specimen is expected with the Internal Lab Request.
Field Name
Update Lab Question
This option will automatically pull in the Lab Questions that were created by the VetView Lab for this Catalog Item, even if they change in the future.
Charges for Lab Tests Set By:
This allows you to choose how the Lab Charge for this Hospital item will be defined. If your Hospital charges a single flat fee for the test, you can have it set by the Hospital Catalog (static) and then add the charge on the Charges section. Or you can have the fees automatically added by the Lab Charge on the VetView lab side, to capture any price changes from the labs automatically.
Request Form Setup Panel (Requests Only)
Field Name
Report Setup Panel (Both Documents and Requests)
Panel | ||
| ||
This section was previously called Digital Document Setup. It has been merged into the Catalog Item Setup page in 5.0. |
Field Name
Palette Items and Element Properties
Panel | ||
| ||
This section was previously called Digital Document Element Setup. It has been merged into the Catalog Item Setup page in 5.0. Each Catalog Item now has its own Digital Document Elements and they are not shared across documents. |
Input Elements
SOAP Elements
Report Placeholder Elements
Medical Record Options
Request Details (request items only)
Misc Options
Formatting Templates
Medical Record Elements
Catalog Pick List Tab
The Catalog Pick List is a concept for Request Catalogs that allows your clinician, staff, or student to add multiple tests or image requests quickly, on a single Request on the patient record. For example, if your clinician wants to order a complete blood panel for a patient, they can go to a pick list set up for common blood tests, and order the appropriate tests from that panel without having to search for each test one at a time. Catalog Pick Lists are also especially useful for radiology, where multiple views may be needed, but there are hundreds of options available in the catalog. A catalog pick list can be used to narrow down to the most common selections.
Panel Name
Pick Lists
Pick List Categories
Pick List Items
Pick List Panel
To view the contents of an existing pick list, click on the Pick List name. It will highlight, and the categories that belong to the pick list will load.
Click on a category to view the items that belong to the pick list category.
To view the description of any specific item, mouse over the Info Dot. The description will appear in the mouse over text.
Pick Lists Fields
Field Name
New Pick List
Print Pick List
Pick List Categories Panel
Any existing categories associated with a pick list will display when you have selected that pick list row from the first panel.
Like the main pick lists, a summary description of the categories is visible via an info dot.
Field Name
Pick List Items Panel
Field Name
Add or Edit a Pick List, Category, or Item
Double click the selected line to open the edit window. You can modify the name or the description.
Click on Save to apply the changes.
(image of the add pick list window)
Field Name
Set a Pick List as Inactive
If the contents of a pick list should be temporarily disabled, for example if a service is not going to be offered during the summer months, you can turn off the Active flag on the Pick List.
This will preserve the contents of the pick list, and you can change it back to Active when the service will be offered again.
Delete a Pick List, Category, or Item
To permanently remove a pick list, category, or item from the system, click on the Delete button on the Pick List line item.
You will get a pop up warning asking you to confirm that you really want to delete the item.
(image of the Delete pop up)
Once you click on the OK button, the pick list, category, or item will immediately disappear.
Note |
Deleted items, categories, and pick lists cannot be restored from the system. If you want to add these objects back in, you will need to perform this manually or contact your IT department for assistance. |
Print Pick List
You can print the Pick List to provide it to your clinical staff on paper. This can be especially helpful for training new clinical rotation students, residents, or interns, or during the Junior Surgery classes.
Click on the Print Pick List button. A PDF window will appear that can be sent to a local or network printer.
(image of the PDF)
Add New Pick List Category
Click on the New Category button to add a new category to the pick list.
A window will appear. Enter in the name of the Category and an appropriate description.
Click on the Save button. The new category will appear in the list.
(image of the blank add button)
Field Name
Sort Pick List Categories or Items
For a Pick List with a large number of Categories, it is possible to change the sort order. VetView recommends having the most common items at the top, to assist clinicians.
Select the category you want to move. Click on the Up or Down button to adjust it.
To sort alphabetically, click on the Sort List button.
(image of the categories)
This flag indicates that when this request is sent with other requests for the same catalog, it should be pulled out as an individual request. For example, requests such as digital X-rays can leave this flag turned off and include all the catalog items on the same request, as they can be performed in quick succession once a patient is sedated. However, a request such as an MRI might need to have it turned on to pull it out from the X-ray items or other MRI items as each catalog item takes more time to perform. Ultimately it will be up to each hospital request unit to determine if a request needs to be separated. Items from different catalogs will always be separated. | |
Item Can be pre-ordered | This flag indicates that a DVM can request the item prior to the patient being checked in. This may be ideal for certain procedures where a time has to be reserved before the patient arrives, such as anesthesiology followed immediately by a scheduled surgery. Auto added charges will be delayed until the patient is checked in and the order is opened. |
DVM Required to order | This flag indicates that a DVM must be the one to order this request. Use this on catalog items that students, staff, or techs/nurses should not order on their own, such as surgeries or procedures. |
Approval Required to Order | This flag indicates that while a student or tech can request the item, it must go through an additional approval process from a supervising DVM before the request can be submitted to the receiving unit. |
Add Charges to Client Bill When (Submitted or Accepted) | If Submitted is selected, any auto-add charges will be placed on the bill the moment the request is added to the episode. If Accepted is selected, then billing will be delayed until the Request unit reviews the request and accepts it. |
Internal Lab Only Catalog Item properties
In addition to the Request Catalog Items, the Internal Labs have additional options of their own.
Note that certain Internal Lab options are controlled at the Catalog level, such as whether a specimen is expected with the Internal Lab Request.
Field Name | Description |
Update Lab Question | This option will automatically pull in the Lab Questions that were created by the VetView Lab for this Catalog Item, even if they change in the future. Leave this turned off to preserve the questions as they are currently even if they change in the future on the Labs side. |
Charges for Lab Tests Set By: | This allows you to choose how the Lab Charge for this Hospital item will be defined. If your Hospital charges a single flat fee for the test, you can have it set by the Hospital Catalog (static) and then add the charge on the Charges section. Or you can have the fees automatically added by the Lab Charge on the VetView lab side, to capture any price changes from the labs automatically. |
Request Form Setup Panel (Requests Only)
The central portion of this panel is where special instructions for the request can be added that will appear to the requestor.
It’s also where you can add in Report Elements as part of the request, and custom questions that the requestor should include as part of the request submission.
Questions can be sorted or deleted. Imported Lab Request questions can be automatically updated if needed.
Field Name | Description |
Add | Adds a generic New Result Text Field to this Request Form Setup. This result can be modified once it is added. You can also drag and drop a specific element type from the Palette at any time. |
Up/Down | Changes the sort order of the items on the Request Form Setup. Remember to Save after sorting to preserve the new order. |
Delete | Removes the selected document element from the Request form. The Special Instructions field cannot be removed. |
Update Question | For Internal Lab Requests that have the Update Lab Question flag checked, this button will override the current selected fields and replace them with the questions that are added to the Labs side instead, if there are any. |
Report Setup Panel (Both Documents and Requests)
Panel | ||
| ||
This section was previously called Digital Document Setup. It has been merged into the Catalog Item Setup page in 5.0. Previously, Digital Document Elements were shared among all documents. In 5.0 we have changed it so each Digital Document Element is unique to each document. |
Report elements in VetView 5.0 are “what you see is what you get” or WYSIWYG style. This allows you to visually add, remove, and modify elements directly on the report, and have an immediate understanding of how each element will display.
Items can be dragged from the Palette section and dropped directly onto the Report Display panel.
Additional element attributes and modifiers are available on the Properties tab for that panel.
Field Name | Description |
Add | Adds a generic “New Result Field” to the Report Display panel. This New Result Field can be altered to any other kind of Digital Document Element under the Properties panel. |
Up/Down | Changes the display order of the elements in the Report Display panel. |
Delete | Removes the selected element completely from this report. |
Report Display | This section is where you can build out the Document or Request report using the Digital Document Elements. Elements will display exactly as they will be printed on the report, so this section functions as a mini preview as well. |
Internal Labs Setup
New in 5.0, VetView now allows for the direct linking of VetView Labs catalog items to VetView Hospital catalog items.
On the Catalog Items list, items that do not have a link will appear with an alert icon to indicate that the link has not been established.
On the Internal Lab Setup tab, these items will show the Catalog Code that was entered in a previous version of VetView, and a suggested Lab Test that matches that code, if any.
Click on the name of the Suggested Test Lab Catalog Item to formally establish a hard link between this Hospital Catalog Item and the corresponding VetView Lab Catalog Item.
Once the link is established, the Internal Labs Setup tab will display the imported information from the Labs Catalog.
This link can be removed or changed at any time.
Add New Product
If this is a brand new Hospital Catalog Item with no corresponding Lab Catalog Item, clicking on the Add button will option a short window to search for and add a new Lab Catalog item to this Hospital Product. You can also add additional Lab Catalog Items if you want to create a Hospital Catalog item that is a panel of multiple catalog items from the labs, when they don’t have a matching panel on their side of the system yet.
Search for new tests by key word. Only Lab tests from the same linked internal lab as the catalog are available in this drop down menu.
Create Mapping to a different product and/or price update options
If the metadata for the Lab Product is correct, but the Lab informs you that they have a new product number due to internal lab catalog rearrangement, you can change the link from the current product to a new product without changing anything else using this button, or change the price links and override the Lab Product settings.
Field Name | Description |
Add | Opens a window to add a new Lab Catalog item to the Internal Labs Setup tab. |
Delete | Removes a selected Lab Catalog Item from the list. Use this to break an existing link and add a different one, or to remove an item from a mult-item panel. |
No Auto Update of Unit Price (Labs Catalog Dynamic Only) | If this warning appears next to the Unit Cost / Unit Price line, it indicates that the corresponding Lab Catalog is not linked to an inventory item with an Auto Update flag turned on. This price will stay static until the Lab changes it themselves. |
Create Mapping to a different product and/or price update options | Click on this button to open the Lab Catalog Item link and the pricing options window. |
Palette Items and Element Properties
Panel | ||
| ||
This section was previously called Digital Document Element Setup. It has been merged into the Catalog Item Setup page in 5.0. Each Catalog Item now has its own Digital Document Elements and they are not shared across documents. |
For specific details on each document element in 5.0, please see:
Palette Items and Properties in 5.0
The Palette tab is a list of the available Digital Document Elements that can be dragged onto the Report Setup panel.
The Properties tab s a section for the attributes on the selected document element from the Report Setup panel.