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This guide is accurate as of version1.6.1

Please see the /wiki/spaces/IWIKI/pages/31522864 for more information on the context of vendors in VetView's Inventory system.

Vendor Setup is a separate page under navigation.  It is currently at the bottom of the Hospital Setup list.

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Then Vendor Setup screen is comprised of two pages:  Search and Results, and the Vendor Details view.

titleAdd New Vendor

Click on the Add New vendor button found a the top of the results window to begin adding a vendor.

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Required information for a new vendor is only a name.  So you can enter a name to start, and then fill in all the details at once later.

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titleSearch for Existing Vendor

The vendor search allows you to search not only by all forms of the vendor's contact information, but also by the products associated with the vendor.

You can also search by purchase orders which included a vendor by specific dates.  

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Vendors that match the search criteria will appear in the list below.

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titleView Vendor Details

The man Vendor Details tab, once a vendor has been added, will show the primary contact information on a card at the top of the screen.

This information can then be edited as desired in the section below, if it ever changes.

You can also assign a short code to the vendor for frequent usage.

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titleVendor Contact Info

You can maintain multiple types of contact information for each vendor. 

You can indicate which form of contact the information should be used for, if there are different contacts for different parts of procurement.

You can have as many pieces of contact information as you wish for each vendor.

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Products are not associated with vendors at the vendor screen, but rather at the Product Setup screen.

Once a product has been associated with a vendor, however, the products will appear in a list on the vendor screen.

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titleProduct Vendor Link

The product vendor link cannot be altered on this page at all.  It can only be modified on the product page.  Click on the blue product name to load the product page to make any changes. 



Contracts can be added and edited on this screen.  

Contracts can be associated with products on the product screen.

The Up Down arrows indicate contract priority on the reordering system.  If another vendor has a contract with higher priority, it will be considered for a PO first.




Vendor Setup

The Vendor Setup screen is part of the Inventory Management system.  This screen allows you to define the names and contacts for your vendors, the specific products they offer that your hospital uses, and any contracts you have with them.  This information then becomes available to the product screens and the purchase order screens when creating new products or reordering inventory.

Vendor Search

The top of this screen is the Vendor Search section.  You can search for the vendors by their business name or contact information.  You can also search for vendors based on the specific products they are linked to.

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Vendor List

After searching for a vendor, a product or product line, or the last purchase orders made, vendors will appear on the Vendor List.  

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Click on the Vendor Name to open up the Vendor Information screen.

Add vendor

To add a new vendor, click on the Add vendor button.  A partial Vendor Information screen will load.  Add in the Vendor name at a minimum and then click on the Save button.  The rest of the Vendor Information screen will load after the initial save.

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Vendor Information

The Vendor Information tab has a small card at the top which contains the primary contact information for your vendor, and then a series of three subtabs that have the vendor details and contact info, product links, and contract setup, respectively.

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Vendor Tab

The Vendor tab contains the vendor details and contact information.

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Vendor Details is where you can add in any additional information about the vendor - the account number that your organization has with them, their tax ID, the point of contact for a contract, an E-PO interface number, and whether they allowed to use a credit card or P-card for your organization.

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The Contact Info tab allows you to add additional contacts for the organization, such as the sales representative or the person to contact for any shipping issues.

One of each type of contact information can be set as the Primary. This causes it to appear on the vendor information card at the top of the screen.

Click on the Add Contact button to load another contact information row.

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Products Tab

This tab displays any links that were associated with this vendor from the Product Setup screen.  Note that new product links are not established on this tab, only displayed, but products can be linked to a vendor using the Contract tab if the product will be associated with a contract.  


Due to the amount of data on this screen, we strongly recommend that this screen be viewed on monitors with a resolution of at least 1600 pixels width; ideally 1080x1920.   Smaller laptop monitors may not display all of the information.

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Click on the Product Name to open that product directly in this tab, or use CTRL+Click to open the product screen in a new tab.

Contracts Tab

The Contracts Tab displays any contracts that have been set up with the vendor.  You must make the contracts for the vendor on this screen before they become available on the Product Setup screen.

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Click on the Add Contract button to create a new contract.

A small window will appear for you to enter in the contract information.

Contracts should have a defined start date and end date.  Once a contract has officially expired, it is no longer available to add to products.

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For vendors with multiple contracts, use the Up and Down buttons to sort them in order of priority.  Expired contracts can be safely sorted to the bottom of the list.

Click on the contract name to view all the products that are associated with the contract.

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To add a new product to the contract, click on Add Contract Product.  A window will open for you to add the information.  (The product must already be set up under Product Setup to establish this link.)

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