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| Prescription Setup |
The Prescription Setup tab (abbreviated to "Presc Setup" due to space constraints) is where the pharmacy can define how they want prescriptions to be processed. These settings apply to all pharmacy locations in the hospiital. There are five sub tabs covering Drug Classes, Draft Terms, Wasted Methods, Generic Master, and CDM Setup. 
Drug Class SetupDrug classes can be defined according to your state's DEA restrictions. You can also leverage Drug Classes for any other reason, such as restricting non scheduled substances to no refills due to supply chain issues. 
Add A New Drug ClassTo add a drug class, click on the Add button. A small Add/Edit window will open. Fill in the information for your new class. 
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the drug class as it will appear on a product. For DEA classes, use the formal name as designated by your state agency. For any other types of restrictions, use a name that is clear and concise. | Refill Length | The maximum amount of time in months that a refill is allowed to be active. This determines the expiration date of the refill prescriptions. For states that allow refills to last for a full year, this should be 12. For states that only allow refills for six months, this should be six. | Refill Level | The total number of refills permitted within the time period established by the Refill Length. No Refills is required for many scheduled drugs per state law. PRN is "permission to refill as needed" and can be used for non-scheduled drug classes or non-prescription products processed through a pharmacy. | Active Flag | Indicates that this Drug Class is active and available throughout the system. If your hospital starts or stops offering drugs of a specific class (for example, for research products) this flag can allow for historic preservation of data. | Updated By | The last user to make any changes to this drug class. This is recorded to help track unexpected changes. For a new drug class, this will not be displayed until the first time it is saved. | Save | Applies the changes to the system and closes the window. | Cancel | Closes the window, but does not apply any changes to the system. |
Edit Drug ClassTo edit an existing drug class, select the row and click on the Edit button. Or double click the row containing the drug class you want to edit. This will open up the Add/Edit window, and allow you to make the changes. Draft Terms SetupDraft Terms are a legacy method of writing prescription instructions. It is kept primarily as a teaching tool for students learning the correct format for writing prescriptions. 
Add New Draft TermTo add a new draft term, click on the Add button. An Add/Edit window will appear. 
Field | Description |
Type | Options between "Verb", "Unit", "Route", "Frequency", and "Duration". Once a draft term is added, it becomes available under the Pharmacy Setup tabs for that Type of term for all products in the system. | Verb | The action that the owner will need to perform with the drug. "Give", "Apply", and "Inject" are the most common verbs. | Unit | The unit of the drug to be provided to the patient during the action. (Similar to the Unit Setup under Common Setup data, but specific to pharmacy in case there are differences from inventory.) Common units would be Tablets, Drops, Milliliters (ML). | Route | How a drug can be given to a patient. "By Mouth" or "subcutaneously" or "on the back of the neck." | Frequency | How often the drug should be provided. This may be the draft term with the largest number of choices, as this could be "daily" or "once every 2" hours with all possible frequencies in between. | Duration | How long the drug should be provided to the patient. 'For one week" or "for ten days" or "until all medicine is gone." | Name | The name of the draft term. This is how it will appear in the drop down menus throughout the system, and on the prescriptions when it is added in. | Short Code | For legacy pharmacies that use coding systems or for pharmacists who utilize short hand for these terms. This field is optional. | Active Flag | Indicates that this draft term is active and available in the system. | Value | For frequency and duration, the value can be used by the prescription request form to calculate the total amount or number of the product that the patient will need. A drug that is to be dispensed every 8 hours will have a maximum value of 3, for a total of 3 a day. A drug that is to be given daily for seven days could have a duration of 7 Days with a value of 7. Thus, 3 tablets a day for 7 days would be a total of 21 tablets needed to provide a full course for the patient. For the Verb, Unit, and Route, this field can be left as 0, as there is no need for a numerical value. | Save | Applies the changes to the system and closes the window. | Cancel | Does not apply the changes to the system, but still closes the window. |
Edit Draft TermsTo edit an existing draft term, select the row from the list and click on the Edit button. Or double click the term to open the Add/Edit window. Wasted MethodsIf your pharmacy uses Medication Administration Records and must track the wasted method, you can add custom methods here. Custom Return locations can also be added, if you have multiple locations to return any unused products. 
Add Wasted MethodClick on the Add button to add a new Wasted Method. The Add/Edit Waste Method window will open. 
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the Wasted Method as it will appear on the Medication Administration Record. | Type | Choice between Wasted and Return. Products marked as Return in the CDM can automatically have Returned applied to the MAR, but the Pharmacy is still responsible for manually verifying the count and adding it back to inventory when applicable. Wasted products should be stricken from inventory counts during the Dispensed process. (Dispensed and Administered are hard coded to VetView and cannot be altered.) | CDM Default | This option indicates that when a product is returned to your CDM using its built in Return function, this is the Return method that is automatically selected. Wasted types are not available for CDM Returns. You can also use this Return option for manual returns to your pharmacy counter, or have a separate Return method for those if decided. | Active Flag | Indicates that this Waste or Return method is active and available to the system. If a method will no longer be used, it can be disabled here. This prevents future use in a MAR but does not destroy historical records. | Last Updated On | The date that this return method was last modified. | Last Updated By | The last user to modify this record. | Save | Applies the changes to the system, and then closes the window. | Cancel | Does not apply the changes to the system, but still closes the window. |
Generic Master SetupThis section is where a pharmacy can define the Generic Families to which drugs may be assigned. A generic family is useful to prevent large amounts of repeat work. Any drug that is assigned to a generic family will automatically inherit the interactions and warnings, auxiliary labels, and drug sheets that belong to that family. For example, you can have a standard "aspirin" family, and then any products that are part of that family can automatically pull in the standard warnings, labels, and info sheets, instead of having to manually enter that information for every product. Related generics also display on the product, so you can see at a glance all the other related products in your product setup that are part of the family. Search for GenericsAs this list may grow quite long, there is a search box at the top to help you find any existing generic families. You can search for the first few letters to narrow down the list. Image Added
Generic Info SubtabThis is a summary of the warnings that will automatically be passed along to any drugs that are a member of this family. They are edited under the Auxilliary subtab. Image Added
Interactions and WarningsThis section is where you can add in any known drug interactions or warnings. These can be limited basted on species, species by weight and age, other patient alerts (such as known allergies), other generics, specific patient diagnosis, or a custom warning specific to this one product. Prescriptions can still be issued against a patient when there is an interaction warning. The warning appears on the prescription screen to allow the clinical staff to review it first and see if it is applicable. Image Added
Add New WarningClick on the Add button to add a new warning. The exact message can be customized to include details about why the warning was included. For example. for a patient that has a Drug Reaction alert set, you can include a warning to check history and verify it is not a member of the generic family. Image Added
View Existing WarningsOnce added, you can mouse over the info dot to see the specific message associated with the warning. This is the message that will appear on the prescription request screen. Image Added
Remove a WarningClick on the large red X to remove a warning that is no longer necessary. CDM SetupThe CDM Setup subtab allows you to name the Control Drug Machines in your hospital and set up billing rules depending on the needs of each machine. For example, you may want to have your CDMs in the overnight ICU operate differently from a CDM that is only available during daytime hours in a request area. A list of all the existing CDMs will display when you open this screen. Image Added
Add a new CDMClick on the Add button to add a new machine. A window will open on the right side of the screen to begin adding the fields. Image Added
Field | Description |
Machine Name | The name of the machine as it appears within the CDM network. Check with your CDM master configuration to ensure this matches. | Description | Any additional description of the CDM to ensure the machine is identified correctly. May be especially helpful if the machine names are numerical. | Routing Rule | This determines what billing route the machine should take when a product is taken out of it it. Choice between Record Only, Bill Only, and Product Setup. Product Setup will defer to the rules for each product that are established on the individual product page. | Decrement Inventory | Indicates that the CDM should remove inventory from the specified unit and location. This allows the CDM and Inventory location to stay in sync, if the CDM is considered its own inventory location. | Unit | The unit for Inventory that this CDM will be associated with. | Inventory Location | The inventory location that this CDM is associated with. | Target Pharmacy | Which pharmacy that any prescriptions issued against this CDM should be tracked to. This allows for you to search for the prescriptions issued in the correct location later on. |