The Admission Screen in VetView has two parts: The Admission Search Screen and the individual Pre-Admission Screen or PA screen that is created for every episode for a patient.
Admission Search Screen
The Admission Search Screen is accessed by clicking on the Admission button on the header bar.
This screen has two sections: The Admission Search options at the top, and the Search Results at the bottom. You can also create a New Admission by clicking on the button at the very top.
Admission Search Parameters
All of the search parameters can be used in conjunction with one another. For example, you can search for a specific PA if you know the patient's case number and the date. Or you can search for a cluster of episodes, such as all the canines that were seen in the year 2020, or all the currently open episodes for one particular unit. The total count of episodes appears in the upper right hand corner of the Search Results. This search screen is also helpful for research when identifying episodes for patients based on keyword, breed, etc.
Searches for a specific Pre-Admission or Episode number.
Animal ID
Searches for PAs by the patient's name
Searches for PAs by the patient's nickname, if it has one
Searches for PAs for patients with a specific sex
Searches for PAs by species
Searches for PAs by breed in addition to species
Case No
Searches for PAs for a specific case number
Searches for PAs with a specific keyword in the Main Reason.
Searches for PAs based on the client's name. Useful for narrowing down when the patient has a common animal ID.
Searches for PAs based on assigned personnel, such as supervising faculty or student.
Searches for PAs based on the admitting unit.
Searches for PAs based on the appointment type. (Include Unit to narrow this list down.)
Field Service
Searches for PAs that are field services, or excludes them
Current Status
Searches for PAs by status
Pending Transfer To
Searches for PAs that have been requested to transfer to a specific unit, regardless of the unit of origin
Pending Transfer From
Searches for PAs that have been requested to transfer from a specific unit, regardless of where they are being transferred to
Status Date Range
Searches for episodes that were in a specific status during a range of dates. For example, searching for appointments that were cancelled during the month of November
Admission Search Results
New Admission / Pre-Admission Screen
A shortcut to a new PA screen is holding the Alt key and then clicking on the Admission icon on the header bar. A small green plus sign appears on this icon to indicate it will jump straight to a new admission and bypass the admission search screen.
VetView Wiki
Most recent releases of VetView: Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024)