Product Setup (Labs)

Product Setup (Labs)

Client Price Set replaces the concept of the price level, Out of State, and Commercial Pricing.

  • Client Price Sets include a markup multiplier, unit price, multi unit level, multi unit price, and a price limit.
  • On the client management screen there will be a drop down list of the defined prices sets, like normal client, out of state, commercial, research, etc.
  • On the product setup screen there will be the ability to set different price structures for each price set.
    • If a price set is not defined for a product price set pair, then the default pricing will be used.

      Price Capping has been changed from being a single list of necropsy tests and capped tests, to a concept of defining cap list of products that can be used on any triggering product.
  • Multiple cap list
  • Each product can be associated to many cap list.
  • Triggering products will have an associated list of capped products.