Laboratory Accounting
Laboratory Accounting
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Data View & Functions
Daily Accounting
Current Charges - List of Clients and Accessions that have not been invoiced.
- Make adjustments in individual charges.
- Shipping - Generate Tracking Number and Print Packing Slip
Daily Charges - List of Charges posted by date, including client and accession information.
- Print Income Details - DLR0004 & DLR0046
Payments / Adjustments - List of Clients and Current Invoices.
- Apply Payments and Adjustments to Existing Invoices.
- Print Payment Details - DLR0005
- Print Adjustment Detail - DLR0006
- Print A/R Summary - DLR0007
Current Month Payments - List of Payments to Post in Batch.
- Batch Payments
- Print Current Month Payments - DLR0052
Deposits - Lists of payments that have been posted and are waiting to be Deposited.
- Create Deposit
- Print Deposit Transmittal - DLR0034
Account History - Query Charges by Client Account, filtered by date range.
Monthly Accounting
Income - List Invoice totals summarized by days of the month.
- Print Income Summary - DLR0008
- Print Income Detail - DLR0004
- Print Income Detail by Lab - DLR0046
Payments - List Payment totals summarized by days of the month.
- Print Payment Summary - DLR0009
- Print Payment Detail - DLR0005
- Print A/R Summary - DLR0007
Deposits - List Deposit totals summarized by days of the month.
- Print Deposit Summary - DLR0010
- Print Deposit Detail - DLR0011
Adjustments - List Adjustments totals summarized by days of the month.
- Print Adjustment Summary - DLR0012
- Print Adjustment Detail - DLR0006
Invoices - List of Existing Invoices by Month.
- Generate and Print Monthly invoices in Batch.
- Print Invoices - Selected or All - DLR0014
- Print Client Invoice - Selected or All - DLR0042
- Send Invoices to File
Direct Charge - List of Charges that have not been invoiced, of Direct Charge Clients.
- Direct Charge Credit Card Flat File
- Generate Direct Charge Invoices
Direct Charge History - List of Direct Charge Invoices by Month.
- Print Invoice - Selected or All - DLR0014
Direct Charge Report - Batch Direct Charge invoices together for reporting.
- Preview and Batch Invoices
- Print University DC Report - DLR0032
- Print DC Invoices, by Batch - DLR0014
- Print DC Client Invoices, by Batch - DLR0042
- Print University DC Debit/Credit Summary Report - DLR0041
Fee Income - Summary of Month Month income and receivable balance.
- Print Fee Income Analysis - DLR0016
Income Statement
Summarizes Accession, Test, and Income by Lab, Section, Workstation or Test.
- Print Statement
Lab Production
Summarizes Accession, Test, Income Totals by Section, Workstation, Test, Personnel, Species, and Species/Test
- Print Statement
Income Detail - DLR0004 - List of charges that where posted in a specified date range.
- Accession No
- Received Date
- Billing Description
- Quantity
- Amount
- Total
Income Detail by Lab - DLR0046 - List of charges that where posted in a specified date range.
- Accession No
- Received Date
- Billing Description
- Quantity
- Amount
- Total
Payment Detail - DLR0005 - List of Payments in a specified date range, ordered by Payment Type and Date.
- Date
- Invoice Number
- Client Name
- Account Number
- Amount
Adjustment Detail - DLR0006 - List of Adjustments in a specified date range, ordered by Date.
- Account Number
- Client Name
- Amount
- Reason
- Comments
- Adjusted By USERNAME
A/R Summary - DLR0007 - List of Client Accounts that have a balance or credit, ordered by Account Name.
- Account Number
- Client Name
- Account Balance
- Current Invoice Amount
- Balance Aging >30, >60, >90, >120, >150
Monthly Income Summary - DLR0008 - List of charges summarized by day of the month.
- Date
- Sum of Charges
Monthly Payment Summary - DLR0009 - List of payments summarized by day of the month.
- Date
- Sum of Payments
Monthly Deposit Summary - DLR0010 - List of deposits summarized by day of the month.
- Date
- Sum of Deposits
Monthly Deposit Detail - DLR0011 - List of Payments of the month, grouped by deposit date.
- Date
- Account Number
- Account Name
- Check Number
- Amount
- Invoice Number
Monthly Adjustment Summary - DLR0012 - List of adjustments summarized by day of the month.
- Date
- Sum of Adjustments
Invoice - DLR0014 - Itemized Invoice
- Bill Party
- Remit Address
- Balances - Previous, Payments, Current, Due
- Sub Totals by DVM
- Itemized Charge Details by Accession
Fee Income Analysis - DLR0016 - Detail Income and payments for a specified month, with month start and ending receivable balance.
- Accession Count
- Income - Tests, Shipping, Supplies, Adjustments, Finance Charges, and Other
- Payments - Direct and Billed
- Net Receivable Balance
Laboratory Income - DLR0017 -
University DC Summary - DLR0032 - List of Direct Charge Invoices for the month.
- Lab Account
- Account Name
- Invoice Number
- Client University Account Number
- Object Code
- Amount
Deposit Transmittal - DLR0033
Deposit Transmittal - DLR0034 - Deposit Details, listing currency totals, and lab account information.
Billing Exception - DLR0035 - List all billing exceptions for charges that failed to post to the hospital database.
University DC Debit/Credit Summary - DLR0041 - Transmittal report that list DC invoices in a specified batch.
- University Account Name
- University Account Number
- Invoice Number
- Object Code
- Amount
Client Invoice - DLR0042 - List of charges for a specified client and Invoice.
- Accession Number
- Accession Received Date
- Owner Name
- Patient Name
- Test Name
- Invoiced Amount
Current Month Payments - DLR0052 - List of Payments processed by Batch Number, ordered by Account Number.
- Account Number
- Client Name
- Payment Amount
- Payment Date
- Check Number
- Prior Invoice (Y/N)
- Lab ID
, multiple selections available,