Change Logging


  1. Change Logging is now available for the Definition of:
    1. Billing Packages
    2. Control Drug Machine (CDM)
    3. Discount Packages
    4. Drug Profiles
    5. Inventory
    6. Markups
    7. Medical Record Options
    8. Multi-Item Products
    9. Prepaid Packages
    10. Prescriptions
    11. Price Sets
    12. Products
    13. Product Lines
    14. Product Pricing
    15. Product Scales
    16. Tax Categories
    17. Tax Jurisdictions
    18. Tax Regions
    19. Time-of-Service Packages
    20. Vendor-Product Links
  2. Quantity changes are also tracked for:
    1. Inventory
    2. Inventory Transfer Request Items
    3. Purchase Order Items
  3. New popup windows have been made available via info dots throughout VetView:
    1. 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Change Log' wherever Inventory Transfer Request Item Quantities are displayed.
    2. 'Inventory & Product Change Log' wherever Inventory and Products are displayed.
    3. 'Purchase Order Item Change Log' wherever Purchase Order Items are displayed.
  4. New terminology has been introduced to facility the change tracking:
    1. Inventory Transaction Types

      1. In order to capture changes to Inventory Quantities, and the Product and Inventory definitions (LIMS-3042), a set of Inventory Transaction Types have been defined.

    2. Adjustment Types

      1. These Transaction Types have been further broken down into one, or more, Adjustment Types, which are used for Inventory Adjustments that track changes to the Quantities of Inventory, Inventory Transfer Request Items, and Purchase Order Items.

    3. Attributes

      1. The Adjustment Types contain multiple Attributes, which link directly to the properties that define Products and Inventory.

    4. Attribute Groups

      1. The Attributes have been classified into Attribute Groups to facilitate search and viewing functionality.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.2.5 Hotfix (Released 10/31/2024)

This page may contain functionality not found in the current version of VetView.

Attributes by Attribute Name:

Attributes grouped by Attribute Group:


  • Following is a table of definitions for the screens (Components), components of screens (Subcomponents), fields (UI Element labels, names and entities), controls (names and entities), DB columns, adjustment types, privileges, attributes, and specs that have a direct, or indirect, connection to the term 'Change Log'.
  • Use the controls at the top of the table to change the sort, grouping, and row height.
  • To see more of the cell content, click on the cell expansion control located at the top-right corner of a selected cell.

Open Issues

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