Changes to Labs Test Setup

Changes to Labs Test Setup


  • Add new tab to Test Setup for Disease Reporting, similar to NALHN tab

  • Add ability to assign specific Results as Positive and trigger an email when API job is run

  • Add ability to link a subtest and its results as positive at the parent test level (for bacterial Isolates)


Although the tab and options are roughly based on the NAHLN messaging system, the Disease Reporting setup will be considerably simplified and send out an email message as opposed to a complex HL7 message.

Additional reporting methods can be considered if required.

Disease Reporting flag + Tab

A new flag can be turned on for a test to display the Disease Reporting tab. This is similar to how the Hospital module handles Prescription products. This flag also allows for an easy search for tests with this flag on the search screen.

Test Setup Search

Test Setup Screen

Move misc setup into a new tab and add a new tab for the disease reporting options.

Disease Reporting Tab -

Annotate the types of tests, disease or organism tested or identified, and/or what result indicates a positive. Each test can have multiple diseases/organisms that can be tested for.












This section displays a list of the profiles for Disease Reporting for this test. Different profiles can be created based on the test workflow and what email addresses should be notified.

In this example, a preliminary result will send a warning to one group of users (such as the RDVM or an internal email address), while a finalized test result will send a warning to a different group (such as a state agency.)

Disease Reporting Tab - Test Options

The top part of the profile contains the test setup. This includes selecting the conditions under which the messages will be sent (results from a test or sub test), whether the test is preliminary or finalized, and what users to notify.

If the results on a test or a sub test are pulled in from a Value List, the list will display. This list must allow for multi select.

Disease Reporting - Messaging Options

This section allows for a custom email to be set up for the specific disease and conditions. VetView placeholders can be used to add customization to the email, such as the patient info, RDVM, and owner.


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