SOAP as a Document

Target release

Small Improvements



@Cathy Allison

Tech lead



To create a series of SOAP Document Elements that will allow for a more defined structure of a SOAP based on the problems and dates within an open episode.

SOAP Document.png



User Story


Jira Issue



User Story


Jira Issue


 User interaction and design

SOAP Data object converted into Document Element

SOAP elements are Rich Text entry field, with the special image instead of a result name. The related results element structure if the user wants to define elements that belong to the problem, like in the example above.


Problem element will be a special document element that is linked to the MPL workflow. Hospital Result table will link to the Hospital Episode Problem. Refer to for more details on problem workflow.

Existing SOAP record will be migrated to a Digital Document, grouped by the day. If any data found on a given day will trigger a SOAP document to be added and all data for that data will be replicated on the document.

Record Group Display Option

To support the concept of a daily soap once the SOAP element is moved to the digital document, the Day concept needs to be moved to a general record group option. Remove the SOAP type and add a Display Type that can be set on any record group. The documents can either be grouped by the day or in order of creation date time.

Document Due Option

To support the concept of daily SOAPs due/cut-off time, move the SOAP setup, from hospital setup to the catalog setup. Each document has a due date/time based on when it is added. Editing the time on the document would also update the due date. “Submit For Review” or “Complete” would indicate that the document has met “Due” requirement. For student privileges the document needs to be in “Working” or “Revise” status to edit. Once the due date/time has pasted then student can only edit if in the “Revised” status. This can then be used on any type of document.

 Open Questions



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 Out of Scope