How to find a Prescription that was previously filled

How to find a Prescription that was previously filled

The Prescription Search Screen is a powerful tool that lets you find an individual prescription or build a list of previously issued prescriptions for a DEA report. The report can be customized to meet the requirements of your state or province's board of pharmacy requirements.

  1. From the Prescription Search screen, enter in the parameters for the prescriptions you wish to find. For a single Rx and its associated refills, enter in the specific Rx number. For a list of prescriptions issued to an individual patient, just enter the patient's Case No. You can also query against a specific requesting unit, such as dermatology or oncology.
  2. To build a list of prescriptions based on the date, choose the type of date you wish to query against – the date the prescription was requested, the data that it was approved, the date that it was issued, etc.
  3. To build a list of prescriptions requested by a specific student or approved by a specific clinician, choose that user name. You can also query against the technician who processed the prescription.
  4. To build a list of prescriptions based on a drug class, you can choose one or more classes from the menu.
  5. All these parameters can be used in conjunction with one another to narrow down the search criteria. For example, you can create a list of Scheduled II prescriptions from December 1st through December 31st that was requested by a specific student and approved by a specific DVM.
  6. The results on this page can be sorted by any of the column headers. You can also add and remove the column headers as desired to tailor the resulting list to your needs. (Note: While the sort order will change based on the view, the column headers on the PDF reports are fixed and will not reflect the results screen changes.)

  1. To view the details of a single prescription from the search results, click on the Viewer (binoculars icon). The life cycle of the prescription is available, from the time of the request to all changes made. Any associated usage/waste logs can be accessed from this screen as well. If there was a problem with the processing of the prescription, the user who made the change will be visible on the audit log.
  2. To print the generated list of prescriptions, click on the Prescription Search Reports button and choose the appropriate alternate report from the list at the top. The report is created as a PDF which may be printed directly from VetView.
  3. You may also export the results to a spreadsheet file if desired instead of a PDF by clicking on "Export to Excel" at the top of the report window.