How to refill a prescription

How to refill a prescription

  1. From the Prescription tab, right click on the medication that needs to be refilled. If there are refills available, the option for "Refill Prescription" will appear. If there are no refills left for the prescription, a new prescription will need to be requested and issued.

  1. Click on Refill Prescription, or Complete Partial Fill if only some of the previous fill was issued. (The option will not be available if a full refill was previously completed.)
  2. A copy of the existing prescription will be created and automatically sent to the Pharmacy to be filled. There is no need to review and reauthorize a refill if a new prescription does not need to be created.
  3. Click on "Copy Rx" to create a new prescription for the product if the prescription is expired or there are no more refills remaining. A copied Rx will need to be reauthorized again.
  4. On Done/Issue, the prescription process will search for the most recent Open Order and Open Episode to attach the prescription refill to. If there is no open episode and order, the Pharmacy will be prompted to open a new Bill Only Episode in order to appropriately track the charges against the patient and the client.