Quality Control

Labs Quality Control Privileges

PrivilegeDescriptionScreen /Tab
Quality ControlGrants access to the Quality Control screen.  Without this privilege, the screen is not available in Navigation.Navigation
Edit MaterialsDisplays the Edit button and allows a user to modify a material from the Control Search List.Quality Control Search Screen
Add ResultsDisplays the Add button on the Result Entry screen so a user can add a new result to the material.Result Entry Tab
Review ResultsAllows the user to search for all results for a specific Lot in the system.Review Results tab
View Lot SetupAllows the user to access the Lot Setup tab and view the details for a lot.Lot Setup Tab
Edit Lot SetupDisplays the Edit button and allows the user to change details for a specific lot.Lot Setup Tab
View Result SetupAllows the user to access the Results Setup tab.Result Setup Tab
Edit Result SetupAllows the user to change the order for the results, add new results, and delete results. Result Setup Tab
View Rule SetupAllows the user to access the Rules Setup TabRules Setup Tab
Edit Rule SetupAllows the user to add and delete rules, and toggle on and off required comments for each rule.Rules Setup Tab
Edit QC ResultsAllows the user to modify the result for a specific control by double clicking on a row.   Review Results
Access Quality ControlAllows the user to enter the Quality Control screen and perform a search.Quality Control Search Screen

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)