Specimen Setup
Checkmarx Bot (Unlicensed)
Cathy Allison
Harini Pillalamarri (Unlicensed)
Specimen Setup
The Specimen Setup screen is where you define the sample types accepted throughout both VetView Labs and Hospital. In addition to the specimen types, you can also define the allowed containers for specimens, the conditions of each specimen, and the gross anatomical site from which a specimen can be drawn (optional.)
Specimen Tab
All of the existing specimens in the system will load on the tab when you first open this screen. You can sort by the columns, scroll through the list using the pagination, or search by the specimen code or standard code. You can also filter out inactive specimens.
Edit Specimen
Select a row and click on Edit Specimen to modify an existing one, or double click a row to open the edit specimen window.
Add Specimen
Clicking on the Add Specimen button will open a blank Edit Specimen window.
Field | Description |
Active Flag | Indicates that this specimen is active and available in the system. By default, all specimens are available on the Labs side when they are active. |
Hospital List | Indicates that this specimen should also be available on the Hospital request list. (Specimens for the hospital can be restricted under Catalog setup, if there are certain tests that can only contain one type of specimen.) |
Specimen Code | The name of the specimen as it will appear in drop down menus. |
Description | Additional information about this specimen, such as more details of the location, or how it should be prepared |
Standard Code | An optional field if your hospital or labs use a numerical code or other coding system for your specimens. |
Synonyms | Any common words that can be used as an equivalent for this specimen. For example, "Saliva" may have a synonym of "spit" to ensure that both key word look ups return the same specimen. Each specimen can support as many synonyms as necessary. Synonyms can also be removed if they will not longer be used. |
Last Updated Date | The last date that this Specimen was modified. |
Last Updated By | The last user who made changes to this specimen and saved them. |
Save Button | Saves the changes to the specimen and applies them through the system, then closes the window. |
Cancel Button | Cancels the changes and does not apply them, and then closes the window. |
Container Setup Tab
This tab defines the Containers that each specimen can potentially be stored in. Containers are used in both Labs and Hospital equally.
You can search for a container by its name, keyword, or synonym, or by a standard code. You can also filter out inactive Containers.
Edit Container
Select a row and click on Edit Container to modify an existing container, or double click a row to open the Edit Container window.
Add Container
Clicking on the Add Container button will open up a blank Edit Container window.
Field | Description |
Active Flag | Indicates that this Container is active and available in the system. By default, all containers are available in both Labs and Hospital when they are active. |
Container Name | The name of the container as it will appear in the drop down menus. |
Description | Additional details about the container, if necessary. Use this when the Container Name is an abbreviation for a phrase, such as "HEPRN 5ML " being the name, but the description explaining that it is "Heparanized Whole Blood 5ML." |
Standard Code | An optional field if your Lab or Hospital uses a numerical code or other standard coding system for your Containers. |
Synonyms | Any common words that can be used as an equivalent for this container. For example, "Davidson's Fixative" may have a synonyms of both "davidson" and "fixative" to ensure that both key word look ups return the same container. Each container can support as many synonyms as necessary. Synonyms can also be removed if they will not longer be used. |
Last Updated On | The date that this container was last modified. |
Last Updated By | The last user to modify the record. |
Save | Applies the changes and closes the Edit Container window. |
Cancel | Does not apply the changes and then closes the Edit Container window. |
Condition Setup
The Condition Setup is where you define the allowed states of your specimens. By default, all active conditions are available to both Labs and Hospital.
You can search for a condition by its name, keyword, or synonym, or by a standard code. You can also filter out inactive conditions.
Edit Condition
Select a row and click on Edit Condition to modify an existing condition, or double click a row to open the Edit Condition window.
Add Condition
Clicking on the Add Condition button will open up a blank Edit Condition window.
Field | Description |
Active Flag | Indicates that this Condition is active and available in the system. By default, all conditions are available in both Labs and Hospital when they are active. |
Condition Name | The name of the Condition as it will appear in the drop down menus. |
Description | Additional details about the condition, if necessary. |
Standard Code | An optional field if your Lab or Hospital uses a numerical code or other standard coding system for your Conditions. |
Synonyms | Any common words that can be used as an equivalent for this condition. |
Last Updated On | The date that this condition was last modified. |
Last Updated By | The name of the user who last modified this condition. |
Save | Applies changes and closes the Edit Condition window. |
Cancel | Does not apply the change and then closes the Edit Condition window. |
Site Setup
The Site Setup tab is where you can define the anatomical sites from which a specimen is taken. This field is optional for all lab specimens, but may be useful for certain tests or in research projects where different specimen collection sites could yield different results.
This can also be used in a more generic sense, to describe if a specimen was collected during a Field Visit, or collected while an animal was visiting the hospital facility.
You can search for a site by its name, keyword, or synonym, or by a standard code. You can also filter out inactive sites.
The Specimen Site is different from the Specimen Location which is a Labs only setting to describe where a specimen is being stored within your lab space. The Specimen Site refers to where it was collected.
Edit Site
Select a row and click on Edit Site to modify an existing site, or double click a row to open the Edit Site window.
Add Site
Clicking on the Add Site button will open up a blank Add Site window.
Field | Description |
Active Flag | Indicates that this site is active and available in the system. By default, all sites are available in both Labs and Hospital when they are active. |
Site Name | The name of the Site as it will appear in the drop down menus. |
Description | Any additional information about the Site. This may be useful if you are using the Site collection feature for both anatomical sites as well as geographical sites. |
Standard Code | An optional field if your Lab or Hospital uses a numerical code or other standard coding system for your Sites. |
Synonyms | Any common words that can be used as an equivalent for this site. |
Last Updated On | The most recent date that this Site was modified. |
Last Updated By | The name of the user who last modified this site. |
Save | Applies the changes and then closes the Edit Site window. |
Cancel | Does not apply the changes, then closes the Edit Site window. |
VetView Wiki Most recent releases of VetView: Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024)