Sex Setup

Sex Setup

The Sex Setup screen is used to create and alter sex categories for patients. Sex categories are selected when creating animals on the Patient Record (VetView Hospital) and the Accession Receiving screen (VetView Labs).

Clicking the Add New Record button or selecting a sex type displays the Edit Form panel.

NameThe name of the Sex Category as it will appear in the drop down menus throughout VetView Labs and Hospital.
Standard CodeAn optional alpha numeric code that can be used as part of an internal or external coding system, such as SNOMED
Spay/NeuterIf a patient has the original sex, but undergoes a procedure designated as a Spay/Neuter on Catalog Setup, then the patient can automatically change to the new sex designated in this slot.
ActiveIndicates that this sex is active and available throughout the system. 
Last Updated DateThe date that this sex was last changed in the system
Updated ByThe user who made the last change to this sex setup. 
IconOptional:  Sex can have a unique icon that appears on the Schedule screen.  If you use unique sexes for certain species (e.g. stallion for male uncastrated horses) this can be used to help the front desk ensure the animal is treated with appropriate caution.
BrowseOpens your local computer's file system to load a new icon.
SaveApplies the changes to the sex and closes the Edit Form window. 

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)