How do I create a new PA?

How do I create a new PA?

How do I create a new PA?

Video Demo: How to Enter Demographics Onto an Admission

To created a new Pre-Admission form for a patient, whether the patient is new to the hospital or has visited before, cick on the New Admission button.

A blank PA Screen will load.

From this screen, you can either find an existing patient, or start adding in the information needed to make a new patient.  

New Patient Info

The minimum required information to make a new patient in VetView is an Animal ID and a Species.  Everything else can be entered after the PA is created.  So if you are in an emergency situation and do not have the time to enter in the patient's details (such as age, weight, etc), you can save the patient info and move on to entering the minimum client information, which is a name and address. 

How do I add a patient?

Click on the plus sign on the Patient Card to begin adding a new patient or finding an existing one.

The Find/Add Patient window will load.  This screen lets you look up any existing patients, or add a new one by entering in the patient information and clicking Save.

For example, to find a patient named Smokey whose owner's last name is Atsume, you can enter in those two pieces of information.  Any matches will be picked up and display to the right of the form, under Search Results.

Double click on the matching patient.  You will need to verify that the rest of the information is correct - VetView will try to help you find the correct match, but if it's a common patient name and a common last name, you may need to enter the client's address or phone number to get the precise match.

Once you have double clicked or entered the minimum information and clicked Save, the PA Screen will return with the Patient Card filled out.

Other Icons on the Patient Card

Info Dot:  Displays additional patient details, if they have been entered

Edit (Pencil Icon):  Allows you to make changes to the patient, such as their sex (if they have been spayed/neutered) or weight

Add Alert (Exclamation point in a triangle):  Allows you to add a new patient alert, separate from the episode alert (e.g. allergy information)

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024) 

To see commonly used terms in VetView Hospital, please visit our Hospital Glossary of Terms.


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