Schedule Setup How-Tos

Schedule Setup How-Tos for Administrators

This section of Schedule How-Tos covers the Schedule Setup from the Hospital Setup screens and is intended for Administrator usage.

For users who are only accessing the main Schedule Screen, please see How-to Manage Schedules instead. 

You will need the Manage Schedules privilege and access to the Hospital Setup Screen  to complete these actions. 

How do I rearrange the schedules into an order that matches our hospital hierarchy? 

Under the Schedule Unit Sort main tab of Hospital Setup, you can rearrange the order that the schedules will appear on the Schedule Tree on the schedule screen.

  • Schedules within a unit must remain together
  • Schedules within a unit can be sorted as needed under that unit header
  • If a unit is moved, all the schedules under that unit will move with it

To move an individual schedule within the unit, select the schedule and click on Move Schedule Up or Down.

To move an entire unit , select a schedule within the unit and click on Move Unit Up or Down.

Once you save the changes, the new order of the schedule tree will appear on the Schedule screen for all users the next time they access the screen or reload it.

How do I edit the templates I already have for my unit?

Templates can be saved and modified directly on the Schedule screen by users with the Manage Schedules permission.

However, if you want to view the template or modify it without saving a new one, you can come to the Templates  sub tab of the Schedules tab.

A list of all the existing Templates will display here.

Edit Template Name

To modify only the name of the template, select the row of the template and click on the Edit button.  This leaves all the time slots and other parts of the template intact and only updates the name. 

Preview Template

Click on the magnifying glass icon in the Preview column to load a printable version of your template.

If you are modifying a large number of templates at once, it may help to print them out and make notes on the paper before applying those changes on the Template.

Modify Template

From the Preview Template window, you can Add New Time Slot.

You can also right click any of the displayed time slots to modify the details, block it out, or delete it. 

If a time slot is in blocked status, you can unblock it with Open This Time Slot.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)

To see commonly used terms in VetView Hospital, please visit our Hospital Glossary of Terms.
