Patient Census Overview
VetView's Patient Census is our boarding charges system for inpatients who are staying overnight. Patients can be manually added to the census, or the trigger can be automated based on the episode type or certain actions taken on the episode (e.g. Admit Patient.) Patient boarding charges can also be automated as well as manually adjusted for care the patient receives.
Patient Census Screens
- Patient Census
- Patient Record (Admit action)
- Episode and Unit Setup (for automated triggers and charges)
Other Patient Census Features
- Search by unit or location
- Customized locations within each unit
- Default location based on appointment type
- Change patient location from census screen
- Printable report of patients displayed
- One step Post Board for patients displayed
- Automated addition to census as well as removal on discharge
- Manual addition to census
- Automated default board charges, either daily or hourly
- Basic order management from census screen
- Basic personnel management from census screen
- Billing preview including estimates
- Support for bar code scanners
- Build custom apps using the API interface (planned for release in the 3.x series of VetView)