How do I copy or paste a day or a week?

This page was originally created for VetView 2.0.11 and has been updated to reflect changes made in VetView 4.0 and later.


How do I copy or paste a day or a week?

VetView allows you to use a simple right click and copy paste function to rapidly build out a schedule. This includes copying and pasting an entire day or an entire week onto later parts of your schedule.

How do I copy a day to another day?

When you have added all the time slots, comments, and personnel that can act as a "model day" for your unit or service area, you can copy and paste the day to another day.

Right click on the schedule name at the top, and choose Copy Day.


A window will immediately pop up that allows you to select the day you want to paste to.   To paste to only one day, ensure that the start date and end date are the same. 

You can also select the schedule within your unit that you want to paste to.  (Schedules cannot be copied and pasted outside of your unit.)

The Personnel flag allows you to include any users who were added to the Personnel for the day itself.  Any personnel added directly to time slots will automatically be included.

Overwrite will also clear out any existing time slots on that day.  If this option is turned off, then the time slots will be added on top of any existing time slots on the day, and you'll need to go back and remove any extras manually if needed.


Only time slots are copied.  Appointments are not copied via this method, so you can safely use any day as the "model day" even if appointments are already scheduled on it.

How do I copy a day to multiple days?

From the Copy Day window, fill in a range of dates to copy. You can select the known date range (e.g. this schedule will be used for the entirety of the semester), the days of the week (it is the MWF schedule), and whether the schedule should be applied every week, or only every two or three weeks for block rotations.

Click on Apply to save the changes.


In this example, Monday will copy out to become the Wednesday, and Friday for the rest of the week.

How do I copy a week to another week?

Copy Week becomes available when you are in the Week Calendar Views.   Right click at the top of any day and choose Copy Week.


The basic Copy Week window will open that allows you to select the date range to which you want to copy.  Dates will be copied from Sunday to Saturday, but can be applied to all dates within a given range in the future.   


How do I clear out a schedule if it will be changing?

If you want to clear out all time slots, comments, or personnel from a schedule to "start over" you can choose Clear Schedule right the right click menu from the schedule date. Using this feature will not clear any scheduled appointments. It will remove them from their respective time slot and they will remain on the schedule.   



The Clear Schedule window will open.  This window allows you specify what you want to clear out, and the date range.  All three of Time Slots, Comments, and Personnel can be selected at the same time, if you want a completely clear schedule.


Clear schedule is not necessary if you are using the Overwrite feature during copy and paste, but it can be helpful if you are in the process of building out a new model day or model week, or if the Personnel are changing during a rotation but the time slots are staying the same.