How do I show or hide schedules temporarily?

 This page was created for VetView 2.0.11 and has been updated to reflect changes in VetView 4.0 on 9/14/2023.



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How do I show or hide schedules temporarily?

 If a schedule needs to be temporarily unavailable for adding appointments but will be used again in the future, you can use the Show/Hide Schedules feature directly on the Schedule screen to prevent it from being viewed during the inactive weeks.

How do I Show a brand new schedule I just added?

When a new Schedule is added to VetView via the Hospital Unit Schedules tab, it defaults to "hidden" on the main Schedule screen until you have turned it on.  

Right click on the View Schedules / Search header on the left panel and choose to Show Schedule.


A window will open up for you to select the schedule you want to show, and the dates that this schedule should be shown and available for use.


Once Shown via this feature, the new schedule will become available for time slots, personnel, comments, and appointments.   It will appear as a valid schedule under the User Settings, as well as become available to see when Show My Default Schedules has been unchecked.   (Note that the check marks on this page display Unit names, not Schedule names, unless the unit has more than one schedule.)

How do I Hide a schedule that won't be used for some period of time?

To hide a schedule entirely - for example, if each doctor in your unit has a unique schedule but one doctor will be on sabbatical for a semester - you can right click on View Schedules / Search and choose Hide Schedule.

The schedule will be temporarily removed from the Schedule screen, until you show it again via the Show Schedule feature. In this example, the schedule will become hidden during the winter holidays.


Once hidden, the schedule will be unavailable to view or add to user defaults.  However, if a user already had a default, or is viewing the schedule in Week View during a week it is only partially hidden, the schedule will become visible with the phrase "Hidden Day" behind the schedule name.

How do I reschedule appointments that were on a schedule that is now Hidden?

Hidden Schedules remain partially interactive.  You can save and apply time slots and templates, schedule personnel, edit comments, etc.

You can also reschedule any appointments that need to be moved, as if they were on a regular day on the schedule.