How do I save and apply a schedule template?

How do I save and apply a schedule template?

 This page was created for VetView 2.0.11 and has been updated to reflect changes in VetView 4.0 and later on 9/15/2023.


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How do I save and apply a schedule template?

Templates for Schedules are how you can save the layout of time slots, blocked out days, and personnel on a daily or weekly basis, to reuse that schedule again in the future without manually adding that information one day at a time.

How do I save a schedule template for a single day?

To save a Day schedule as a template, right click anywhere on the schedule name and choose Save Day Template.

A screenshot of the VetView Schedule screen showing the right click menu on the Schedule Header.  The mouse cursor is pointing to Save Day Template.
Save Day Template option


A new window will open to allow you to save the template.  This template will automatically be associated with the unit whose schedule you clicked.

Enter in the Template Name, and what information you want to include.  You can save separate templates for Time Slots, Personnel, and even Comments.  This way, if your time slots are always the same but your personnel is on a regular rotation, you can save them separately and apply them to each day or week as applicable.

The date you are saving appears at the top for you to verify.

A screenshot of the VetView Schedule Save New Day template window.
Save New Day template window


How do I save a template for a whole week?

If you are on a Week view, you also have the option to Save Week Template.


The window for this is very similar to Save Day Template, but will instead display the date range from Sunday to Saturday that will be saved.



How do I apply a schedule template?

When at least one template has been saved for you unit or service area, the Apply Template option becomes available.  Right click the schedule name and choose Apply Template.


The same window will open up for Day and Week templates.  You can switch between the two from the Type drop down menu.

Select the template you want to apply.


Put in the date range that this template should be applied to.   

You can also choose to apply the template to a different schedule than the one you right clicked on.

The Overwrite option is available if you want to clear out any existing schedule data.  (All appointments will stay the same; overwrite will only clear out the time slots, personnel, and comments.)

The recurrence options are also available if you only want this template to be applied to certain days of the week, or to alternate weeks for block rotations.

No scheduled appointments are deleted when a new template is applied. They will snap to a time slot when possible, but will otherwise exist outside of time slots as an “orphaned” appointment until they are manually rescheduled.

How can I delete unused templates?

For managers who want to clean up old templates that will no longer be used, you can find them on the Schedules tab for units under Hospital Setup.

You can temporarily disable a template by setting it to inactive, or permanently deleted it by clicking on the red X.

Since deleting templates will not impact historical schedule data, you can safely remove any templates that will not be used again in the future. If you need to keep old templates for archival reasons, you can print a hard copy of the template before deleting it.


How can I preview a template, edit it, or print it?

Under the Unit Setup > Schedules > Templates tab, you can click on the magnifying glass icon to preview a schedule template.

Templates will open in a modified format of the Day List or Week List schedule screen.  

You can add time slots, add comments, and edit personnel.  You can also modify the time slots by right clicking and choosing details.


Click on the Print button to open a PDF version of the schedule to print.

Edit Schedule Templates is intended to make small tweaks to existing templates.  If you are making wholesale changes to time slots, days, etc., it may be easier to create a new schedule on one day, and save the new template, rather than trying to modify an existing template.

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