How do I block out time slots?
This page was originally made for VetView version 2.0.11 and has been updated to reflect changes in VetView version 4.0 and later on 9-5-2023.
How do I block out a time slot?
If a user has the Manage Schedules privilege, they can block out a time slot. Right click on the time slot to be blocked and choose Block Out Time Slot.
This action prevents a user from scheduling into that time slot unless they have the Free Form Appointment privilege which grants the right to schedule outside of a time slot (including blocked out time slots.)
This feature can be used to mark out special time slots on the schedule, such as lunch breaks, as well as temporary blocks for organizational meetings or other events, or if there is going to be a staffing issue due to planned leave.
Blocked out time slots can be copied, including a standard Copy Time Slot, and the copy day and copy week features.
How do I unblock a time slot?
Once blocked, the time slot is unavailable to schedule appointments. If the reason for blocking it is no longer relevant, you can right clock and Open This Time Slot to remove the block.