How do I create new schedules?

How do I create new schedules?

This page was originally made for version 2.0.11 of VetView and has been updated to reflect changes made in version 4.0 of VetView.

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How do I create new schedules?

All of your existing schedules from previous versions of VetView will be imported exactly as they were set up.  You do not need to recreate any existing schedules after performing a version update.

However, as your hospital’s layout changes and your services move around, you may wish to make new schedules or disable older ones. This is done in Unit Setup.

How do I add a new schedule?

To make a new schedule in VetView, you will need to go to Hospital Setup > Unit Setup and go to the Schedules Tab.

The first subtab here is the Schedules Subtab, and it is where you can add a new schedule.

Click on the  Add button to open the new schedule window.

A screenshot from VetView showing Hospital Setup to Unit Setup tab to the Schedules and Schedule Setup tab.  The cursor is hovering over the Add button.
Add Schedule Button

Give your schedule a name.  If this is the only schedule for the unit, we strongly recommend giving it the same name as the unit.  Otherwise, schedules can be named for the exam room, for the doctor who will be seeing the patients, for the specific department within the unit, or any other naming convention that fits your hospital's workflow. 

A screenshot showing the Add Edit Schedule window in VetView.  The Schedule Name has been filled on and Public schedules are selected, but all other fields are currently blank
Add/Edit Schedules

What is the difference between a public and a private schedule?

If your schedule should be available for all other users in the hospital to schedule against, you can leave it as Public.  If you want to reserve your scheduling for internal use only, set it as Private.

Public Schedules in VetView are the default.  These are available for any other users in the hospital to schedule appointments, as long as they have the privileges to manage appointments.

Private schedules will restrict the ability to perform any actions only to members of your unit.  Only members of the units can create time slots, copy and paste, schedule appointments, add personnel, etc., regardless of what privileges that they have.  Private schedules can be used by request areas to prevent outside users from changing appointments without permission. 

What is the purpose of a default appointment type?

Select the default Appointment Type if there is a single appointment that will be used most commonly on this schedule. If your appointments types change frequently between time slots, you can leave this blank and force the person who is creating the scheduled time slots to choose the correct one.

What is the purpose of the Comment field?

You can add a comment if there is any information you want to share with other schedule managers (or yourself) in the future, such as the date or reason a new schedule was separated out from an existing one.

How do I mark a schedule as inactive when it will no longer be used?

If a schedule will be retired for any reason (and not just temporarily hidden) you can permanently deactivate it from the Schedule setup tab.

Edit the schedule, and uncheck the Active mark.

When you save the schedule, it will be permanently removed from the Schedule screen as long as this box remains unchecked, and will not be available to Show/Hide.

What is the difference between Inactive and Hidden Schedules?

An Inactive schedule has been permanently disabled from the system and is no longer visible on the Schedule screen at any time. No appointments can be scheduled on it and no changes can be made as long as it is Inactive. This is meant to preserve a historical schedule in case the data is needed for reports or other hospital functions in the future.

A Hidden schedule is still active, but it has been temporarily removed from view on the Schedule screen. This is controlled via the Schedule screen itself using the Show/Hide feature. Use this when a schedule is tied to a unit that will be temporarily unavailable to schedule against, such as a doctor’s schedule when they are on vacation, or if a unit’s physical space is undergoing renovations and they cannot accept patients until it is finished.

How do I group schedules together?

Group Schedules allow you to link multiple schedules into a single group on the schedule screen, such that they can be turned on and off simultaneously using the check box on the left hand side.  Using this feature, each individual schedule will become its own column on Day views, so that you can have a full map of schedule availability for all schedules in the unit or service area.

To create a new Group Schedule, click on the plus sign next to the Group Name.

This will open a small window for you to enter in the name of the Group Schedule.  This is the name that will appear on the Schedule screen, with all of the linked sub-schedules listed underneath it.

Schedules that are linked in a group will display their Group Name on the Schedule subtab so you can easily see which ones within the unit or service area are included.

How do I change the order in which schedules display on the Schedule Screen?

You can modify the sort order on the Schedule screen, including the left hand task panel (to display or turn off schedules) and the User Preferences selection for default schedules.

For Group Schedules, this also controls the order of the columns on the Schedule screen’s central panel in Day List View.

Select the schedule you want to appear on top or on the left-most panel. and click on Move Up or Move Down.


You can also move any inactive schedules down by selecting them and clicking Move Down, but as these are already hidden on the main Schedule screen, it does not impact the view.

Group Schedules will be linked together regardless of what sort order they have on this screen, but sorting them relative to each other will impact which one appears on the top or left in the group itself.

How do I change the order for all of the Units in my hospital on the Schedule Screen?

The global sort for all units is a separate tab found at Hospital Setup > Schedule Unit Sort.

You can adjust the display order of the individual units, and also control the display order of the individual schedules within a unit.

(You cannot mix and match schedules outside of units, since each unit has its own unique attributes for schedules. )


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