Labs Test Setup

Labs Test Setup

Labs Test Setup

The Test Setup screen is where you add specific tests to the system.  Tests are built as a combination of their own parameters and the predefined Result Types that are build under the Result Setup screen.  

Tests are then combined with Questions, Charges (Products) and a few other settings to build Catalog Items, which are what your clients actually request through the API, the Portal, or VetView Hospital.  

Catalog items are then bundled together to create Requests and Accessions.  

A catalog item can have one test, no tests, or many tests, but most catalog items in your system will have enough flexibility with a 1:1 Test to Catalog ratio.

Test Setup Search

When you first load this screen, the Test Setup Search will be at the top.  You can search based on the test code (name), the performing lab/section/workstation, whether the test is active, or any combination of the above.

Test Setup List

The Test Setup List loads when you first open the screen.  It contains all of the tests currently in the system, but will also display the filtered results when you use the Test Search above it.

To open Test Details, click on the Test Code from the list.

Add New Test

To add a new test, click on the New Test button.  A blank Test Screen details will load.  Give the new test a name and then click on the Save button, then begin filling in the other details.

Test Setup Details

This screen is where you add in the parameters for the Test, including the lab it belongs to, the results it will use, and any sub tests it may call based on the result answers.   You can also define the behavior for when this test is used in a Pooled specimen accession.

Basic Test Parameters

This section is where you set the name, report label name, description, standard code, and interface flag for a test.

Test CodeThe name of the test as it will appear in menus on the Request and Accession screen.  Use a shorthand version if desired for quick lookup.
Active FlagIndicates this test is active in your system and available to request or add to an Accession.  If a test is being adjusted or changed (e.g. machine upgrade) it may be prudent to retire the old version of the test and create a new one, to avoid any results for the test being incorrectly conflated within the patient history on the Hospital View Past Results graphs.
Report LabelThe name of the test as it will appear on reports.  If you used a short hand for the Test Code, you can add a more descriptive name here. 
DescriptionThe full description of the test.  For tests that are run on multiple machines in your lab, you can also include specific machine descriptions as well.  
Standard CodeA test code if your organization uses a standard code system alongside other organizations, such as state labs.
Send Via InterfaceIndicates that this test can be sent to a machine using the API function, and does not need to be performed manually.   Interfaces supported natively in VetView include IDEXX and Data Innovations. Additional custom interfaces can be programmed using the API functions. 

Misc Test Setup

This section has additional options for the test, including automatic options for printing, charges (outside of the catalog item), and specific options that are relevent only to certain result types and can be turned on when appropriate.

Auto FinalizeIndicates that this test will automatically finalize on release - use this for interfaces that will accept a request and produce results without a user verifying any part of the process.
Print OptionsChoice between the default print options (for the Catalog or the Lab), no printing at all,  or only finalized results will print on the accession 
Display Reference IntervalsResults with ranges will display the reference intervals
Display MethodResults that use a Method will include the method
Expenses ProductIf this test will always have a unique charge associated with it, regardless of what catalog item it is used in, this charge can be added here.  This can be considered the most basic cost for this specific test.
Unit PriceThe price and multi level pricing as pulled in based on product setup.  This information has to be adjusted as the product level.  Click on the blue arrow next to the product name to jump to the product details screen under Product Setup.

Performing Lab

The Lab, Section, and Workstation that this test will always be performed at.

Diff Setup

For blood tests that use a Differential counter, this feature will display the button for the Diff counter on the Accession screen.

Each Result intended to be entered using the Diff Counter must be set up for this feature to function properly.   Make sure the Result is of Result Type: Number, and has been assigned a Diff Result key based on your lab's diff counter setup.

Result Definition Tab

The Results Definition tab is where you associate this test with the specific results that it will produce.  Results are designed to be used across multiple tests when the output will be the same, to allow for slight variations in tests based on species, lab workstations, or lab locations.

A Test can have one result or many results.  For certain tests, the only result type may simply be a text field or a value list for Yes/No.

Add Result

Click on the Add Result button to add a new result to the list.

A small window will appear.  Select the result to add, the order it should appear on the report, the default result status and format, and whether the result comments should appear.

You can also hide this result on Worksheets, if it is important for the Accession report (such as a report info block) but not necessary for the user performing the test.

Edit Result

Select the row you want to edit and select it so that it turns blue/ is highlighted.

Click on the Edit Result button to reopen the Add Result window and make any changes.

Delete Result

Results can be deleted from a test at any time, since they are stored independently in the database and only linked to the test by an association.  

Click on the red X next to a Result Name to remove it from the test.

To inactivate a result such that it cannot be used in any test going forward, you will need to open the Result Details screen.

Change Result Order

To adjust the order of the results as they will appear on the Result Entry and Worksheet screens, select the row and use the Up and Down button to reorder them as desired. 

Electronic Messaging Setup Tab (NAHLN)

Use this section to define any electronic messages that should be sent automatically or manually based on test results.  These events will be sent to the source specified in the API with the parameters included in this messaging event.

This section is only for those labs participating in NAHLN reporting at this time.

Pool testing Auto-Finalizing Tab 

Pool Testing is a new feature added in the VetView 2.0 series to better support large volume testing of low incidence diseases.

For tests that will use Pooled samples, these settings will determine under which conditions the pooled samples will need to split into separate accessions.

Auto Finalize:  When a selected result matches the specific condition, the pooled specimen test will auto finalize and the whole set of samples will be considered as having the result.

Else Tag Accession With:  If the selected result does not meet the specified condition, then the Accession can be tagged with a custom accession tab to allow for easier searching. 

Sub Tests

Certain tests may have sub tests depending on the initial result.  For example, a bacterial culture may need to have a sub test for an Isolate if the pattern match is appropriate.

These sub tests can be added in this section.  Sub tests can be manually added on the accession using a right click menu.

Catalog items that Include tests

Much as a Result can be long to multiple tests, a Test can belong to multiple catalog items.  This ensures that tests that are performed as part of different requests and accessions will have consistent results across time, especially when viewed as part of View Past Results in the Hospital module, or on the Client Portal. 

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024) 

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