User (Employee) Management Screen

User (Employee) Management Screen

General Description

This screen allows the user to search for, create, and edit users of the system.

User Search


1Username Search BoxEnter the user's real name or username of the person you wish to search for.
2User TypeClick here to choose to filter by users of VetView Labs, Hospital, or see all users.
3Create User ButtonClick here to launch the new user creation screen.


User Edit

1User IDA unique number associated with the user. This cannot be changed.
2UsernameThis is an alphanumeric field that is associated with the user. This is set when initially creating the client, and cannot be changed after he/she is created.
3Short CodeAn optional field that is often an abbreviation like a person's initials. This field is not required for any other functionality in VetView (unlike UVIS).
4Display NameThis field gives the user the ability to override what name appears on other screens in VetView. This is useful if someone's name is Mark Vincent, but they go by Vin Diesel.
5System Mail Checkbox (Email)Check this box if the user wants to receive VetView System Mail via his/her email.
6User Mail Checkbox (Email)Check this box if the user wants to receive VetView User Mail via his/her email.
7System Mail Checkbox (Cell)Check this box if the user wants to receive VetView System Mail as a text message to his/her cell phone.
8User Mail Checkbox (Cell)Check this box if the user wants to receive VetView User Mail as a text message to his/her cell phone.
9Cell CarrierIf the user wants to have any mail sent to his/her phone as a text message, the cell carrier must be specified here.
10LanguageThis determines the user's default language. Languages translations, including English, can be modified on the Localization Screen.
11Tag(s)An optional system that can be used to classify/tag certain groups of users in various ways (e.g. tagging all the students in the Class of 2012 as "Class2012").
12Digital SignatureThis is the text that will appear when a user digitally signs something.