Unit Setup Tab

Unit Setup Tab

A Unit is the name for each departmental or service area within VetView.  Units can be large functional areas such as a pharmacy, or a smaller sub-area of a bigger parent unit such as Small Animal Hospital and all its available services.  Non-clinical departments such as Inventory, Medical Records, and Accounting, should also be distinguished as their own units. The tree structure on the left pane should be adjusted until it closely matches your hospital's internal structure and hierarchy.  The more closely it matches, the more accurate your revenue reporting will be by unit. 

Begin by choosing the unit you would like to set up.  

If your unit does not exist already, you may also add a new Unit by clicking the Add Unit button.  This will automatically load a blank Unit Details for you to name the unit.

Once you have your Unit names defined, you can begin to fill in the details associated with each unit, such as contact information, the documents it will use, the appointment types and associated episode types, schedules, assigned users, and location information.

As each of these tabs contains a lot of settings, they have been broken out into their own pages.

Unit Tree

The Hospital Unit tree displays your units in a hierarchical parent-child relationship.  If a unit is in the wrong place in your organization, you can edit the parent unit to force it into the appropriate location.

Inactive units are hidden by default, but can be displayed by clicking on Show All Units.