Schedule Unit Sort Tab

Schedule Unit Sort Tab

The Schedule Unit Sort tab is a page included in VetView 2.0 and later to allow you to rearrange how units and their schedules appear, left to right, on Day View Calendar and the left hand panel tree in VetView.  (In earlier versions, this was only alphabetical.)

This sorting list may be useful for client coordinators who have access to multiple schedules at once, or for units that have a large number of schedules with a single more common schedule that can be set to the "top" and specialty schedules that can be set to the bottom and right and only accessed when needed via scrollbar.

Changes saved on this screen will only be applied the next time a user loads the schedule screen.  Changes are not instantaneous.  These changes do not impact whether a schedule is active or inactive, hidden or non hidden.  However, inactive schedules cannot be arranged on this screen until they have been set as active again.

Move a Unit Up or Down

To move a whole schedule up or down, select a schedule within the unit group and click on the Move Unit Up or Move Unit Down button.  These buttons may be unavailable if you have already reached the top or bottom of the schedule list.  Click on Save to apply the changes.

Move a Schedule Up or Down within a Unit

Schedules can be rearranged within a unit.  To move a schedule up or down, select a schedule within a unit group and click on the Move Schedule Up or Move Schedule Down button.  These buttons may be unavailable if there is only one scheduled, or you have already reached the top or bottom of the schedule list within the unit. Click on Save to apply the changes.

Reset to Alphabetical

This button will restore the alphabetical default sort for all schedules.  Click on Save to apply the changes. 

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)

To see commonly used terms in VetView Hospital, please visit our Hospital Glossary of Terms.
