Labs Catalog Description Setup

Labs Catalog Description Setup

Catalog Description Setup

The Catalog Description Setup screen is used in VetView 2.0 and later to adjust how the Labs Catalog will appear on the Labs Client Portal.  

This screen only impacts the portal, and does not change how any catalog items appear within the main VetView application itself.  By pulling this setup into the main app, it allows you to make changes to your Client Portal on the fly without touching any CSS or API commands within the portal code itself.

Catalog Description Items

These are the display items that will appear live on the portal.

Item NameThe name of the category as it will appear on the Portal Catalog
Display TypeHow the category will appear on the Portal Catalog:  As a list of items, as the summary of items, or both
Value TypeThe Value Type for this field.   These can be hard coded choices between the Performing Lab, the Price Set, the Section, the Test Code, the Workstation, and the Specimen Filter, or the Custom value as entered in the Item Name.
Price SetFor catalog items with a unique price set, this will display the correct value based on the logged in client.
ExcludeThis will exclude the value from the Catalog Setup from being searchable by keyword.  In the example above, the Synonym/Keywords are available for searching, but the Turnaround Times are not.
LetterThese are the values on the Catalog description that should be associated with the letter filters at the top of the catalog screen.
SortThese are the values by which the Catalog Items should be sorted by default.  Individual columns will be available to sort unless they have the Exclude tag on. 

Custom Values are managed on the Catalog Item Setup screen for each Catalog item by adding in a Search Entry description.  Once added as a Custom field on Catalog Description Setup, the custom fields become available to fill in on the Catalog Item Setup screen. 

Catalog on the Client Portal

Based on the settings above, this is how the Catalog will appear on the Client Portal when the Catalog is enabled at the lab level.

Setup & Admin Guides

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.4 (Released 3/10/2025) and 4.2.10 Hotfix (2/28/2025) 


For more information on common terms used in VetView, please visit the Labs Glossary.


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