Cashier Screen
Cathy Allison
Cashier Screen
The Hospital Cashier Screen in Navigation is a place to accept payments and issue refunds. In order to make changes on the cashier screen, a user must be logged into a cash register under the Register Management screen.
Descriptions Only
This page is documentation about the layout, buttons, and features on the Cashier Screen. For a more specific guide on using the Cashier screen and how it interacts with other screens in VetView, please see How Do I Make a Payment on the Cashier Screen? in the Hospital Staff and Student guides.
Cashier Buttons
At the top of the screen are two buttons that are used to generate client orders and to print them. Client Orders appear in the Outstanding Orders Section below.
Get Client Orders
A small window opens to search for a client. This is a smart search box, so you can enter in the client name or client number if you already know it. If you are finding too many results to narrow down, you can consider going to the main Client screen and performing a search there to find their account, then accessing the cashier screen from the client's Accounting tab instead.
For this test account, there is exactly one match in the system. Click on the match, and the name will load in the search box. Then click on the Select button.
Print Order List
After you have loaded a client using Get Client Orders, you can print the list of client orders on this page by clicking on the button. This process is not the same as generating an invoice or statement, which is a separate function. Print Order List is a basic report of the client's outstanding orders, intended for internal use only. Orders on this have been generated, but they may still be in New or Pending status, so it is not confirmed the client owes this money!
Client Section
Once a client is selected, their name and address will appear, as well as any client, patient, or episode warnings that were assigned to their account.
This information is view only on this screen, but you can modify it on the client screen using CTRL+Click to open it in another tab.
The cashier should review the patient, episode, and client alerts prior to completing a transaction.
Certain outstanding charges may block an order from being closed. The cashier can mouse over the Info dot next to the alert for additional details.
- Incomplete Vaccine Certificates (will block an open order from being Closed.) The cashier should contact the clinical staff immediately to complete this certificate, as this may be considered a legal document in some states or provinces.
- Pending Prescription Requests (will force a pharmacist to create a new Order if this one is closed.)
- Pending Hospital Requests (will force the Request unit to create a new Order if this one is closed.)
Payments Always Allowed
If there is an alert that indicates an order should not be closed yet, the casher should choose Deposit or Payment Only and leave the order open. Once the additional charges have been completed from outstanding prescriptions or lab work, Accounting can create an invoice for the remaining charges at a later time if necessary.
Outstanding Orders Section
Once a client has been identified either from the Get Client Orders button or via accessing the Cashier screen from another part of VetView, all of the client's outstanding orders will display in this section.
Orders that are in a status of Finalized and Closed can have transactions performed against them. New and Pending orders cannot have actions performed against them on this screen.
To access the Order Details, use CTRL+Click on the Order # to open the order management screen in another tab.
Closed orders with a balance will appear on this screen. Using the sort on the Close Date column to bring them to the top. Otherwise, orders on this screen can be sorted by the Status, Totals, or Interest columns.
Approve & Finalize is a cashier screen privilege that grants the cashier the right to approve a Pending order. This will display a new button to the right of the Amount column. This can transition a Pending or Approved order directly to Finalized, to allow payment to be taken against it.
The Transaction section on this screen is where a payment or refund can be handled. You can also close orders without a payment, take deposits, and fully cancel an order on this screen if you have the rights to do so.
The default action on a Finalized order is Close & Payment, so that will load in the Transaction Type field.
Once orders are selected, the balance of the orders will appear in the Selected Balance box.
Your Accounting department should have its own guidelines for when to use each of these transaction types.
Transaction Type | Description |
Close & Payment | This is the default transaction type. All charges have been assessed, and the client will be paying their balance in full. The most typical usage for this is an outpatient procedure, when the client is taking the patient home. |
Close Order | This closes an order once all payments have been made. One example use case is if there was an outstanding balance but the charges were cancelled or adjusted, and the remaining balance is now zero. |
Payment Only | This applies a payment to the balance, but does not close the order. Use this if there is a Pending Prescription or Pending Request to bring the current balance to zero, but leave the Order open for additional charges once the lab work or prescriptions have been completed. |
Deposit | This applies a credit to the client's running balance that can be applied to future orders. A typical use case for this is an inpatient where an estimate has been provided, but no charges have actually been assessed. The balance can then be applied to future orders once the patient's treatment is completed. |
Cancel Order | If an order is created accidentally, for example if a patient's order was opened but no charges were assessed, the order can be cancelled without applying a payment. |
Refund | Use this to issue a refund to a client and pay out against an existing balance. A typical use case was if a deposit was made, but the charges turned out to be lower than the estimate. A client who does not want to retain a negative running balance as a credit against a future order can be issued a refund from the cashier. |
Payments can be made using whatever method your hospital's policies support. Payments via credit card must be processed using a third party processor, such as Veriphone or Touchnet.
A balance may be left after accepting payment, with the understanding that the client may pay the balance at a later time if that has been approved by the accounting department.
Click on the Post Transaction button to apply the payment.
A pop up window will appear once a transaction is posted, asking you whether you want to print the invoice. At this point, you can still back out of the transction by clicking on the Cancel button.
Select the print option and click Continue button. Print Invoice sends the invoice to the default printer automatically. Preview Invoice loads the PDF but does not automatically print it, allowing you to choose the printer or save the PDF. Do Not Print posts the transaction but skips the invoice.
If the client has a deposit or credit that went unused, the remainder can be issued as a refund.
Applying Credits
Previously applied deposits or account credits can be applied to a transaction to reduce the final bill. In this example, the credit of $50 is applied to the Selected Balance of 339.72, reducing the charge on the credit card to 289.72.
Third Party Payments
Payments from an outside source can be added by selecting the direct charge account from the Third Party Payment list. (To add a new third party, click on Add Third Party and a client creation window will appear.)
Once the third party is selected, click the Add button and the account will appear under the Transaction section
The cashier has the option of adding comments to the receipt (invoice.) This can be anything from an explanation of the third party payment to a verbal agreement approved by accounting for a payment plan.
Print On Receipt includes the comment on the invoice. Uncheck this if the comment is for internal use only.
VetView Wiki Most recent releases of VetView: Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024)
To see commonly used terms in VetView Hospital, please visit our Hospital Glossary of Terms.