Jaspersoft Setup

Connecting to a Database

You will need to know your Database localhost url (e.g., the JAR file used for your database (See "Downloading Files" Page), and a username/password you can use to access your database

Within Jaspersoft Studio, a database connection is referred to as a Data Adapter. Upon opening Jaspersoft Studio, navigate to the Repository Explorer located in the top-left side of the screen. Right-click the Data Adapters tab, and select the Create Data Adapter option. A new window showing the Data Adapter Wizard should appear.

Select the Database JDBC Connection option and click Next. The following screen is for configuring the Database Connection.
Assign the Data Adapter a name. Click the drop menu for JDBC Driver, scroll down until you see the option for your database (Oracle or PostgreSQL) and select it. In the textbox titled JDBC Url, replace the “localhost” section with your Database url. Now, add the username/password with access to your Database. 

Select Driver Classpath tab in the bottom-center of the window. Click the Add button, and locate the JAR file used with your database (See Downloading Files).

Before proceeding, make sure to hit the “Test” button to make sure a valid connection to your Database can be established. If the connection test fails, make sure your username/password and Database url are correct, then ensure every other field is configured correctly.

If the connection test works, hit “Finish”. Your new database connection should now be listed in the top left-hand corner of your screen under the Repository Explorer Tab.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024) 
