Create Products On-The-Fly

Create Products On-The-Fly

This functionality is new as of version 4.0.

While adding Purchase Order Items to a 'New' Purchase Order, if a Product is not available for selection, it can be added on-the-fly.

In order to have access to Create Products on-the-fly:

One of the following must apply:

And, one of the following must apply:

  • The User must have the ‘Create Product Through Purchase Order’ Assigned Privilege; OR,

  • The User is a member of a Security Role that has the ‘Create Product Through Purchase Order’ Assigned Privilege.

  • Two options for adding Products on-the-fly:


The 'Add / Link Product to Vendor' dialog is a reduced version of the 'Product Info' screen, and will capture the minimum amount of information needed to create a new Product.  It is recommended that the 'Product Info' screen be reviewed so insure that the Product is configured completely for all future functionality.

To create a New Product on-the-fly:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Purchase Order Details’ screen for a ‘New’ Purchase Order.

    'Purchase Order Details' screen
    ‘Purchase Order Details’ screen
  2. While adding Purchase Order Items:

    1. Click the '+' (plus) button next to the 'Product' field.

  3. On the 'Add / Link Product to Vendor' dialog:

    'Add or Link Product to Vendor' dialog
    'Add / Link Product to Vendor' dialog
    1. Select the 'Add New Product' radio button (this is the default radio button when this dialog opens).

    2. In the 'Product #' drop-down, select the Product Line to which the new Product belongs.

    3. In the 'Sequence #' field, enter the unique Product Sequence Number for the new Product.

      1. The Sequence Number must be unique within the Product Line.

      2. Click the ‘Next’ button to have the system find the next largest unique number; or,

      3. To find an available gap in Sequence Numbers, hover over the Info Dot icon to expose a list of Sequence Numbers and Products within the selected Product Line.

    4. Enter the 'Name', 'Description', and 'Billing Description'.

    5. Select the 'Product Type'.

      1. Product Types are system-defined categories that drive functionality:

        1. Equipment - May be held in inventory.  Equipment is typically not 'Sold', but charges can be associated for the 'Use' of, 'Sterilization' of, and/or 'Loss'.

        2. Inventory - All Products that are held in Inventory for expendable use, or to be 'Sold'.  If it is a Pharmacy Product, additional configuration options are provided on the 'Product Info' screen.  This classification will make the 'Inventory' tab available on the 'Product Info' screen.

        3. Package - A Product that is composed of other Component Products.  This classification will make the 'Multi-Item' tab available on the 'Product Info' screen.

        4. Service - Can be 'Sold', but not held in Inventory.

        5. Service Fee - Exclusively available as 'Add Ons' to other Products.  These Products/Services are not available for direct sale on a bill/order.

    6. Select the 'Category'.

      1. Categories are user-defined, and can be used to classify and find groups of Products.

        1. Product Categories are defined via the 'Product Setup' screen → 'Product Category Setup' tab.

        2. Refer to Configure Product Categories.

    7. Configure the 'Product Pricing'.

      1. Base Price - The minimum price that will be charged by VetView on an Order/Bill.

      2. Sales Unit - The smallest Unit of Measure used for the Use/Sale of the Product.

        1. When the 'Fractional Qty' checkbox is selected, the quantity Used/Sold, can be expressed as a fraction of a whole Sales Unit.

      3. Fractional Use - when selected, indicates that the Product can be Used/Sold as a fraction of a whole Sales Unit.

      4. Markup - A multiplier that will be applied to the Base Price, to increase the amount charged by VetView on an Order/Bill.  The Markup can be selected from a pre-defined list, or entered as a value that will be unique to the Product.

        1. The pre-defined Markups are defined via the 'Product Setup' screen → 'Markup Setup' tab.

        2. Refer to Configure Product Markup Multiplier.

      5. Minimum Price - If the final Pre-tax Price of the Product is less than the 'Minimum Price', a 'Minimum Price' debit adjustment will be automatically created.

      6. Volume Discount - Determines the amount of 'Volume Discount' credit adjustment that will be applied to a Charge for this Product on the Order/Bill.

        1. Product Volume Discounts are configured via the 'Product Setup' screen → 'Product Scale Setup' tab.

        2. Refer to Configure Volume Discounts (Product Scales).

      7. Product Tax Category - Determines the amount of Sales Tax to be applied when a Charge for the Product/Service is added to an Order/Bill.

        1. Product Tax Categories are configured via the 'Product Setup' screen → 'Tax Setup' tab → 'Product Tax Category Setup' subtab.

        2. Refer to Configure Sales Taxes.

    8. Configure the 'Vendor Product Info'.

      1. Default Vendor - Each Product can have a 'Default Vendor' that will be used for functionality such as on the 'Product Reorder' screen

        1. For a New Product, the Purchase Order Vendor is prepopulated and designated as the 'Default Vendor'.

      2. Vendor - The Vendor's Name will be prepopulated with the Purchase Order Vendor.

        1. Since the Product must belong to the Purchase Order Vendor, this field is non-editable.

      3. Contract - The Vendor's Contract will be prepopulated with the Purchase Order Contract

        1. Since the Product must belong to the Purchase Order Contract, this field is non-editable.

      4. Vendor Product - The Vendor's Product Name is the name by which the Product is known by the Vendor.

        1. This name will be used to identify the Product on the 'Purchase Order' report.

      5. Vendor # - The Vendor's Product Code is the catalog code by which the Product is known by the Vendor.

        1. This code will be used to identify the Product on the 'Purchase Order' report.

      6. Manufacturer - The name of the Product Manufacturer.

        1. This may be different for each Vendor Product Offering.

      7. NDC - The National Drug Code (NDC) that has been assigned to this Product.

        1. Since the NDC includes packaging, each Product Offering from a Vendor, could contain a different NDC.

      8. Comments - Notes that are unique to the Vendor Product.

    9. Configure the 'Cost', 'Units', and 'Ratios' for the Vendor Product.

      1. Cost - The cost (or the Vendor's Price) of the Vendor Product Offering - per Sales Unit, Stock Unit, and Order Unit.

        1. The S:St and St:O ratios are used to convert the Cost per one unit, to the other two units.

      2. Units - The Stock Unit of Measure, and Order Unit of Measure, used for the Vendor Product Offering.

        1. The Units of Measure are configured via the 'Unit Setup' screen.

        2. Refer to Configure Units of Measure.

      3. Ratios - The S:St and St:O ratios represent the number of Sales Units per Stock Unit, and Stock Units per Order Unit, respectively.

        1. These ratios are used to convert the Unit Cost, Unit Price, and Quantity, between the Sales Unit, Stock Unit, and Order Unit.

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