Configure Units of Measure

User-defined Units of Measure are used throughout the Laboratory and Hospital VetView applications wherever a Quantity is specified.

  • Units of Measure are user-defined via the ‘Unit Setup’ screen.

To Configure Units of Measure:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Unit Setup’ screen.

    'Unit Setup' screen
    'Unit Setup' screen
  2. Select an existing ‘Unit’ to view and edit the details.

  3. Select the ‘Add New Record’ button to add a new Unit of Measure.

  4. Select the ‘Merge Units’ to combine two Units of Measure into one.

  5. Use the ‘Edit’ form to configure the Unit of Measure.

    1. ‘Active’:

      1. Only Active Units of Measure will appear in drop-down lists.

    2. ‘Unit’:

      1. The abbreviated version of the Unit of Measure.

      2. Most drop-down lists, screens, and reports, will display the ‘Unit’.

    3. ‘Description’:

      1. The longer, more descriptive, name or description for the Unit of Measure.

      2. Some drop-down lists, screen, and reports, will display the ‘Unit’ and ‘Description’.

    4. ‘Production Units’:

      1. Determines which screens will display the Unit of Measure in a drop-down list.

        1. ‘Laboratory Unit’:

          1. A Unit of Measure must be identified as a ‘Laboratory Unit’ in order for it to appear on Laboratory-related drop-down lists.

      2. ‘Sales Unit’:

        1. Used to describe the Sales Unit of Measure for a Product or Service.

      3. ‘Stock Unit’:

        1. Used to describe the Stock Unit of Measure for a Product.

      4. ‘Order Unit’:

        1. Used to describe the Order Unit of Measure for a Product.

      5. ‘Rx Admin Unit’:

        1. Used to describe the Unit of Measure used to define the administration of Pharmacy Products.