Mark Delivery Complete

This functionality is new as of version 4.0.

After the Delivery Items have been added, if the 'Received Qty' is greater than 0, the Delivery must be marked 'Completed'.

In order to have access to Complete a Delivery:

One of the following must apply:

Purchase Order Status Update:

  • 'Cancelled': If all of the Purchase Order Items were ‘Cancelled’, the Status will be updated to 'Cancelled'.

  • Incomplete: If some of the Purchase Order Items were ‘Received’, and some, but not all, of the remaining items were ‘Cancelled’, the Status will be updated to 'Incomplete'.

  • 'Received': If some of the Purchase Order Items were ‘Received’, and the remaining items were ‘Cancelled’, the Status will be updated to 'Received'.

  • Also see .

To Complete a Delivery:

  1. Navigate to the 'Purchase Order Detail' screen → 'Delivery' tab.

    'Purchase Order Details' screen - 'Delivery' tab - 'Mark Delivery Complete' button
    'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'Delivery' tab → 'Mark Delivery Complete' button


  2. Add the Delivery Items.

  3. Populate the 'Received Qty' column.

  4. Click the ‘Mark Delivery Complete’ button.

    1. The 'Complete Delivery' dialog will appear.

      'Purchase Order Details' screen - 'Delivery' tab - 'Complete Delivery' dialog
      'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'Delivery' tab → 'Complete Delivery' dialog



  5. Select the 'Auto Stock' option.

  6. If a Default Inventory Location does not already exist for a Product, select the 'Location'.

  7. Click the ‘Complete Delivery’ button.