Start Transfer Request

This functionality is new as of version 4.1.

Inventory can be transferred from one Inventory Area to another via the ‘Inventory Transfer Request’ screen.

In order to have access to create a Transfer Request:

One of the following must apply:

To Create a New Inventory Transfer Request:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Inventory Transfer Request Search' screen.

    'Inventory Transfer Request Search' screen - 'New Inventory Transfer Request' button
    'Inventory Transfer Request Search' screen → 'New Inventory Transfer Request' button


  2. Click the ‘New Inventory Transfer Request’ button.

    1. The ‘New Inventory Transfer Request’ dialog will open.

      'Inventory Transfer Request Search' screen - 'New Inventory Transfer Request' dialog
      'Inventory Transfer Request Search' screen → 'New Inventory Transfer Request' dialog
  3. Select:

    1. ‘Date Needed’

      1. This is an optional field.

    2. 'Destination Area'

      1. The Inventory Area (Hospital Unit) that expects to receive the Inventory.

      2. Only Inventory Areas to which the User has the 'Inventory' Elevated Privilege, will appear in the drop-down list.

      3. Refer to Configure Inventory Elevated Privilege.

    3. 'Source Area'

      1. The Inventory Area (Hospital Unit) that will fulfill the Inventory Transfer Request.

    4. ‘Auto add items below min stock levels’

      1. This will automatically add the Products that have reached their Minimum Quantity in the Destination Inventory Area.

      2. This option can also be performed after the Inventory Transfer Request has been created.

  4. Click the ‘Save’ button to close the dialog and create the New Inventory Transfer Request; OR,

    1. The ‘Inventory Transfer Request’ screen will open.

    2. Refer to Submit Transfer Request.

  5. Click the ‘Cancel’ button to close the dialog and return to the 'Inventory Transfer Request Search' screen.

The ‘Requested Quantity’ is calculated as the ‘Reorder Quantity', plus the ‘Minimum Quantity’, minus the ‘Available Quantity’, minus the ‘Pending Quantities’ from Purchase Orders and/or Inventory Transfer Requests that have not yet been ‘Received’.