Save Reorder List

This functionality is new as of version 4.1.

Reorder Lists can be saved, and reused multiple times.

In order to have access to Modify and Save a Reorder List:

One of the following must apply:

The ability to save multiple Reorder Lists for any combination of Inventory Area, User, and Vendor, provides the ability to create standard lists of Products that can be ordered on a regular basis from all Vendors.

To Save a Reorder List:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Product Reorder’ screen.

    1. Refer to .


  2. Click the ‘Save’ button.

  3. Add a Comment in order to distinguish between lists on the ‘Product Reorder Search’ screen.

  4. Navigate to the ‘Product Reorder Search’ screen.

    1. Refer to .

      'Product Reorder Search' screen
      'Product Reorder Search' screen
  5. Search for Product Reorder Lists by Inventory Location, Vendor, User, and Date.

    1. Refer to .

  6. Distinguish between lists using the ‘Comments’.

  7. Also see: