My Pending Prescriptions (Requested By)

My Pending Prescriptions (Requested By)

This widget is intended to be used by students, staff, and techs who submitted a prescription request to a clinician who is the Prescribing DVM.  This widget allows them to track the status of the prescription, and to make changes if needed if it has not yet been approved.  Prescriptions can also be approved "over the shoulder" style by the prescribing clinician from this widget.

To edit or have a clinician approve a prescription, it must be in Requested status.  Once approved, any changes have to be made from the Pharmacy side of VetView.

Select the checkbox next to the prescription, and click on Edit Rx.  The prescription request dialogue box will open.

Click on the Status column to sort by prescription status.  Once a prescription has been Filled (or marked as Picked Up) then it will fall off this widget.  Until then, the prescription can be monitored through the clinical statuses of Requested and Approved, on to the pharmacy statuses of In Process, Review, and Ready for Pickup (if your pharmacy uses that status.)

CDM patient profile prescriptions will also appear on this widget until the prescription has been marked as Filled by the Cubex, Pyxis, or Omnicell machine. 

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)