Episode Problems and SOAPs
- Cathy Allison
Episode Problems and SOAPs (4.2 series and earlier)
In VetView 5.0 and later, this page has been replaced with Episode Problems and SOAPs in 5.0
The Problem List and SOAPs section allows you to add in episode problems, which can then be linked to the patient's master problem list. It also allows you to complete a SOAP for the episode regarding the identified episode problems.
Add A Problem
Click on Add Problem to open up the Episode Problem list.
Add A New Problem
Depending on your hospital's settings, the problems available may be restricted to a pre-created list visible in the drop down, or you may be allowed to enter problems via free text.
Move an Existing Problem from the Master Problem List
Existing problems appear on the left. If the problem is still present during the current episode, click on the Arrow to bring it over to the Episode Problem list.
Click on the save button at the bottom of this window to add the new problems to the episode.
Add SOAPs to an Episode
Once you have added Episode Problems or marked any existing Master Problems as active for the current episode, you can begin to SOAP the problem.
The SOAPs are entered and verified independently. As this is intended to be one of the primary teaching tools for VetView, the SOAPs can be approved, rejected, or marked for revision by a clinician.
Once the SOAP components are saved, additional comments can be appended. SOAPs support Rich Text Format, so you can use different font colors and sizes when appropriate.
Merge Problems as part of Differential Diagnosis
If problems have been identified to be related (e.g. symptoms of the same underlying disease) you can Merge the problems within the episode, or under the Master Problem list.
Select the problem to which the existing problem will be merged.
The problem will then appear on the Episode Problem list and Master Problem list as "merged"
VetView Wiki Most recent releases of VetView: Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024)