Schedule Screen Privileges
The Schedule privileges control access and features on the public Schedule screen.
Privileges on this screen can be assigned to any roles that may be in charge of managing appointments, personnel, and time slots for each unit or the whole hospital.
Privilege | Description | Screen |
Schedule | Top level privilege that controls access to the schedule screen in the header bar and Navigation. | Schedule Screen |
Schedule Appointments | Allows the user to schedule appointments. In addition to the schedule feature on the Schedule screen, this button controls the appearance of the Schedule button the Admissions screen. | Schedule Screen, Admissions Screen |
Block Time Slots | Allows the user to block out time slots on the calendar, preventing anyone from scheduling during that time. | Schedule Screen |
Cancel Appointments | Allows the user to change an appointment to cancelled status. | Schedule Screen, Admissions Screen |
Delete Appointments | Allows the user to delete an appointment from the scheduled screen, if it was added by mistake. (Unlike cancelled appointments, deleted appointments should not appear under the patient history.) | Schedule Screen, Admissions Screen |
Edit Time Slots | Allows the user to modify the time slots on a schedule. These may be existing time slots built from a schedule template, or new time slots added directly to the schedule. | Schedule Screen |
Edit Schedule Comments | Allows the user to edit the Day comments on the schedule. | Schedule Screen |
Edit Schedule Personnel | Allows the user to modify the personnel associated with a day on the schedule. | Schedule Screen |
Freeform Schedule Appointments | Allows the user to add an appointment to the schedule outside of the bounds of the time slots. This is an elevated privilege which should be reserved for supervisors and managers who need the ability to override the usual time slots on a schedule. Without this privilege, users must stick to time slots already built into the schedule. (For example, you can set up the roles such that front desk personnel without this privilege can only schedule for planned time slots, but client coordinators for the unit can override based on patient clinical needs.) | Schedule Screen |
Edit Appointment Details | Allows the user to change the details for an appointment, such as the comments. | Schedule Screen |
Add Self to Schedule | Lower level privilege that allows a user to add themselves to the Personnel for the current day. This privilege is safe to grant to any user who would need to appear on the schedule, even if they do not have the authority to add other users to the schedule for the day. | Schedule Screen |
Schedule Management | Grants access to all admin features on the Schedule Screen, including Showing and Hiding schedules, setting Special days, Copying and Pasting schedules, and creating and applying Schedule Templates. | Schedule Screen |