Test Email and HL7 Messaging

Test Email and HL7 Messaging

Description: This test section gives the user the ability to test emailing and HL7 messaging. Users can setup an incoming port HL7 port to receive HL7 from internal or external interfaces. Users can also send HL7 messages to any IP Address and Port.

Job Settings

This section allows you to add test port settings (to be used in other jobs that communicate with machine interfaces) and test your local email server.

Port Settings

This is your local server's port setting for incoming messages.  The IP address is fixed based on the local IP of the server, but you can designated the port that should be opened for messages.

Use the Charset designated by the machine that you are testing.

Test Email

Use this to verify that the email settings for your server are functioning.  

Email must also be Enabled under your System Options in VetView, and a designated email service set up on the local server (Windows or Linux) for VetView to communicate. 

Whitelist Email Address for Email Server

The From email address can trigger a spam filter on your organization's email network if too many messages are fired off from it (such as an error state) so ensure that the From email addresses on your production server for both test and real job settings are whitelisted.

Send Test HL7 Message

Once the Port is opened for VetVIew to listen for messages, you can send a test HL7 message to one of the device interfaces to ensure that you receive the expected response.

The acknowledgement message from the machine interface will appear in the Response section.  

This allows you to test a new machine interface without enabling the job for the whole hospital until you are ready. 

Message Log

Test HL7 messages are logged.  This can help if you are troubleshooting errors between VetView and a specific interface.