Make copies of any configuration files you've modified and don't want to be overwritten (,, (all 3 in the <VetView Installation Folder>/WEB-INF folder/classes folder), or zk.xml (in the <VetView Installation Folder>/WEB-INF folder).
If you never specified a path for attachments and custom labels/reports (on this Hospital Setup Tab), and you have some of those, you'll need to make copies of those attachments, reports, and labels. They will be located in the <VetView Installation Folder>/upload folder.
Apply database upgrade package script (It is recommended that a database backup be made before running update scripts.)
If your version of VetView is behind a couple of releases, you will need to run all the Update, Upgrade, and Localization scripts in between your version and the destination version.
Deploy new war file
Make any necessary updates to configuration files that you saved in step 2.