Product Details tab


  • Provides access to:
    • Pricing Setup subtab
    • Default Setup subtab
    • Alternate ID Setup subtab

Pricing Setup subtab

  • Provides the ability to edit Product Pricing.
    • Product Pricing
    • Price Calculator
    • Product Tax Category
    • Service Fees & Add Ons

Default Setup subtab

  • Provides the ability to edit Product Defaults.
    • Product Defaults:
      • Sales, Stock, and Order Units of Measure
      • Sales-to-Stock and Stock-to-Order Ratios
      • Reorder Quantities
      • Product Aggregation Tolerance
    • Inventory Area Product Defaults:
      • Destination Inventory Area
      • Reorder Quantities
      • Default Source Inventory Area
      • Unit Aggregation Tolerance
      • Default Destination Inventory Location
    • Default Vendor's Product Info:
      • Product Catalog Number
      • Product Name
      • Manufacturer
      • Sales, Stock, and Order Unit Price
      • Stock and Order Units of Measure
      • Sales-to-Stock and Stock-to-Order Ratios
      • Comments
    • Prior Two Purchase Orders

Alternate ID Setup subtab

  • Provides the ability to edit Synonyms and Alternate IDs for Products and Services.
    • Synonym Definitions
    • Alternate ID Definitions

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)

This page may contain functionality not found in the current version of VetView.



This is the Product Details tab.


Following is a list of mockups for this screen:

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Fields and Controls

The following table lists all of the fields and controls found on this screen.  The fields and controls are grouped by their location on the screen; for example, buttons on a 'section' or columns in a 'data grid'.  Use the controls at the top of the table to change the sort, grouping, and row height.  To see more of the cell content,  click on the cell expansion control located at the top-right corner of a selected cell.


The following table lists the privileges associated with this screen.  The privileges are grouped by the application (Labs, Hospital, or Both), and Section within the list of privileges to which they belong.  Use the controls at the top of the table to change the sort, grouping, and row height.  To see more of the cell content,  click on the cell expansion control located at the top-right corner of a selected cell.


How To...

Planned Improvements

key summary status


key summary status

Open Issues

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key summary type priority status fixversions components