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General Description

This screen lets you view/edit/create Value Lists.  A value list is simply a list of words.  These lists can be used when setting up test results and a test's questions/answers.


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 Features on the Value List Setup Screen

NameDescriptionNew Value List ButtonThis button launches the new value list popup window.Up/Down ArrowsThese buttons move the selected item up or down the list.Sort List Button

Clicking this button gives you two options. The first is to sort alphabetically. The second option is to "Maintain current order, but assign new values." That option will keep the list in the order it appears on the screen, but assign Order values to it.

This is useful because of value lists that don't have any Order values at all (because of data migration issues).


Labs Value List Setup

The Value List Setup screen is a low level setup screen that allows you to build groups of items that can be used as menus for Questions and Results.

Value Lists can be simple "yes or no" type lists, or more complex options to select the name of a bacteria with an additional negative or positive.

Value Lists can also be used for specific names within your system, such as the supervisors of a lab.

Value lists, when modified, will only impact the questions and results they are used in going forward - they do not alter the results of past accessions for which they were used.

Overview of the Value List Setup Screen

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Active/Inactive/BothThese radio buttons allow you to search for only active value lists alongside the keywords.  You can also search specifically for inactive value lists, if you want to change the status to active again.
List NameThis is a text search field to enter in the name of a specific value list.  Enter in text, then press search to narrow the available value lists to matches.  You do not need to enter the full name of the search, but can instead use a keyword.
New Value ListPress this button to create a new value list from scratch
Value List ItemsThe current value list items associated with this list.  Once added they cannot be deleted (to preserve historical data) but they can be set to inactive if they will not longer be in use.
New List ItemPress this button to add a new item to this value list
Up/Down/Sort ListControl the sort order of the value list items.  This allows you to move a new Value List Item that was just added to the top of the list.  You can also move the most commonly expected result option to the top of the list, for value lists with a large number of options.  Sort List reverts the list to alphabetical.
Value Modifier ListFor value list items that need an additional sub value.  In the example above, the PCR panel will list the specific parasite, and then the value modifier list will confirm positive or negative.  Modifiers also have their own sort order that can be controlled.

Create a New Value List

Click on the New Value List button to start creating a new list.  

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The List Name should be something unique and easily identifiable for lists intended to be associated with result sets, but for lists that can be reused for questions multiple times, the name can be simple and generic. 

Standard Type does not impact the value list itself, but can be useful for building reports (e.g. show all value lists associated with Thermo Fisher Scientific PCRs, or show all Histology value lists, or show all Question value lists.)

Active Flag controls whether the value list is available in the live production system.  To preserve historical data, no attributes of a value list can be permanently deleted, but they can be set to inactive to prevent use going forward. 

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