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titlePurchase Order PDF

A PDF guide to Purchase Order and Inventory Receiving is available for download but this guide is based on version 0.9.7 and thus may not reflect current functionality in the system.

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Purchase Orders

The Purchase Order screen has three parts:  The PO Search, the PO List, and the product list associated with a PO.  You can create new POs or edit existing ones from this list.


Purchase Order Search


The search allows you to find existing POs by looking for specific criteria, such as the products on the PO or the date entered, or the status.  Thus you can find any outstanding POs quickly to begin working on them.  

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Univ. PO NumberIf your organization assigns a PO number through an external system used university-wide, you can search for that number using this field.
E-PO NumberIf your organization assigns a PO number through an external electronic system, you can search for that number using this field.
Requisition #Searches for POs using the requisition number if or organization uses those for tracking.
VendorSearches for POs by specific vendor.  All POs containing that vendor will appear.
ContractSearches for POs by a vendor's contract.
ProductSearches for POs containing specific products, either by line and sequence, or by a specific keyword.
PO DateSearches for POs during a specific date range, or based on a before or after date.
Last UpdateSearches for POs that were changed during a specific date range, or based on a before/after date
StatusSearches for POs based on the status.  Choices between Cancelled, Failed, Incomplete, New, PO Printed, Received, Sent, or Working.
Date RecievedSearches on POs that are in statuses later than New or Working based on the Date Received, either between, before, or after. 
TagsSearches for POs with specific tags.  You can choose to Match One or Match All.

Purchase Order List

The PO list contains all the POs that match your selected search criteria.  You can sort all the columns on this list.  In the example below, the POs have been sorted by date. 

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PO Product List

If you click on a PO to select it, a list of all the products on the PO will be displayed below in the Product List.  You can verify the contents of the PO without loading the entire thing in this way. 

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PO History

If a product is included in more than one PO, a list of them will appear under the Info Dot next to the sales quantity.  Mouse over to see the history of the purchases of that product.

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Edit PO

If you need to edit a PO that is New or Working, then select the line of the PO you wish to edit.  It will be highlighted in blue.  Click on the Edit button.  Or double click the line of the PO.


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When the PO loads, details about the selected PO will appear at the top.

Purchase Order Details

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Univ. PO NumberIf your university has an external system to assign PO numbers, the assigned number can be entered here.
Requisition NumberIf your organization uses requisition numbers, it can be entered here.
E-PO NumberIf your organization uses E-PO Numbers, it can be entered here.
VendorSelect the vendor that this PO will be sent to.  If the vendor does not exist yet, click on the Add button to create a new one.
ContractFor existing vendors, select the contract that this PO will use, if any exist.

Any specific comments about this PO that may be helpful.  For example, if there is a product not usually ordered from this vendor, you can explain why.  ("Ordering this item because the preferred vendor is backordered."  Or "Order of this item was approved by departmental manager.")

DeliveryInstructions to the vendor for delivery.
PO DateDate the PO was created in VetView, either manually using the New PO button, or from the Product Reorder screen.
Delivery DateDate that a PO was recieved.
StatusCurrent status of the PO.  A new PO will become Working status the first time it is edited.
UnitThe inventory unit to which this PO will be delivered initially.
Direct Inquiries ToThe user in VetView who is responsible for answering questions regarding this PO.
Delivery ContactThe user in VetView who is responsible for accepting the delivery.
Charge AccountIf there is a charge account in the system to which this PO should be added, it is listed here.
Line Item TotalsA quick summary of the expected total invoice cost for the PO, and any discrepancies from the actual cost when it is received. 

Purchase Order Details List

A list of the items currently on this Purchase order will be displayed, along with the ability to edit the items or add and remove them.

A full PO may look something like this.

If no items have been added yet, you can begin filling in the information.

Note that this screen works best on a minimum of 1920x1080.  Smaller screens will display a scroll bar on the bottom to accommodate the large number of columns.

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titleEditing a PO

Modify the order quantities by changing the values directly in the order Qty column.  The costs will update in real time to reflect the changes.

To adjust the current inventory levels, click on the green plus button.  To modify the product setup, click on the yellow grid.

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When you have finished working on a PO and it is ready to be submitted, click on Print to load the PO report, Send PO / Mark as Sent to change the status, and the Save button to save any changes.

The first time you Save the PO, it will change from New to Working.  A PO will not change to Sent until you click on the Send button.  Depending on your university's PO system, this may contact a third party system integrator to process the PO and send to your central procurement (e.g. Rhapsody.)

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POs will remain in the status of Sent until you indicate that the shipment has been Received.

titleInventory Receiving

To process a received shipment, search for POs in the status of Sent, and then select the line of the PO.  Click on Go To Inventory Receiving to begin processing the shipment.

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The Inventory Receiving screen will load.  Products that were listed in the PO will load on the Inventory Breakdown.  

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Once all the items have been entered under the Inventory Breakdown, click on the Bos button at the top to process all the inventory updates.

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