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Purchase Order Search screen (4.0)

The Purchase Order Search screen has two sections:

  1. Purchase Order Search
  2. Purchase Order List

  • Purchase Order Search screen:

Purchase Order Search screen


Purchase Order Search section

This section provides the ability to search for existing Purchase Orders.

  • Purchase Order Search screen → Purchase Order Search section:
Field / Control
titleFields & Controls

Fields & ControlsDescription
Inventory Area
A logical

The Inventory Area (Hospital Unit) is a logical, or large physical area, of the Hospital where


Inventory may be stored and/or used; such as, Pharmacy, Radiology, Oncology, Large Animal Hospital, etc.

The Inventory Area (Hospital Unit) for which the Purchase Order was prepared; and, the location where the Purchase Order Items were delivered.

Internal #

The 'University Purchase Order Number' is a reference identifier that can be assigned by the system, or by the user, to aid in finding Purchase Orders and Deliveries.

If User-defined, they may not always be unique, so the Vendor, and Purchase Order Date, may be needed for locating a specific Purchase Order.

If the 'Internal #' field is used to find a specific Purchase Order, the entire Purchase Order Number must be used - searching by partial Purchase Order Number is not allowed.

Requisition #

The 'Requisition Number' is a reference identifier that is usually assigned by the Electronic Procurement System when a Purchase Order is received and accepted.

If the 'Requisition #' field is used to find a specific Purchase Order, the entire Requisition Number must be used - searching by partial Requisition Number is not allowed.

E-PO Number

The 'Electronic Purchase Order Number' is a unique Purchase Order Numberassigned by the Electronic Procurement System.

If the 'E-PO Number' field is used to find a specific Purchase Order, the entire Electronic Purchase Order Number must be used - searching by partial Electronic Purchase Order Number is not allowed.




The 'Vendor' field is a smart search that provides the ability to enter part of the Vendor's Name.


As characters are typed, a short list of Vendors will be presented for selection.


Vendor Smart SearchImage Modified




The 'Product' field is a smart search that provides the ability to enter the Product Line, Product Sequence Number, Vendor Product Code, Alternate




Synonym, and/or part of the VetView Product Name, or the Vendor's Product Name.


As characters are typed, a short list of Products will be presented for selection.


Product Smart SearchImage Modified




None, or more, of the 'Purchase Order Statuses' may be selected.


(Refer to the 'Purchase Order Statuses' table below.)


Purchase Order Status drop-downImage Modified

PO DateThe 'Purchase Order Date' is the date on which the Purchase Order was Printed/Sent.
Received DateThe 'Received Date' is the date on which the Purchase Order Status transitioned to 'Received'.



A 'Vendor' or 'Purchase Order' Alert may be

applied to the

used as search criteria.

Vendor and Purchase Order alerts are defined via the 'Alert Type Setup' screen, and can be added to a Purchase Order, and/or the

Vendor that is associated with the Purchase Order

Purchase Order Vendor.


Purchase Order and Vendor Alerts drop-downImage Modified

Search buttonImage Added

The 'Search' button
uses the selected search criteria
, populates
to populate the 'Purchase Order List' section.

Reset buttonImage Added

The 'Reset' button
clears all of the fields in the 'Purchase Order Search' section, and retrieves the new Purchase Order List with no search criteria.

Purchase Order Statuses
Purchase Order Statuses

titlePurchase Order Statuses


This is the initial status of a Purchase Order

that is created from


'New' Purchase Orders are created via the 'Product Reorder' screen, or the 'Purchase Order


Search' screen.

Purchase Order Itemscan be added to Purchase Orders while it is in the 'New' status.


When the Purchase Order is sent or printed, the status transitions to 'Sent'.

After the Purchase Order reaches this status, the only fields that are editable are:

  • 'Comments'
  • 'Delivery'
  • 'Delivery Date'
  • 'Shipping & Handling'
  • 'Taxes'

When 'Receiving' is started, the status transitions to ‘Incomplete’.


When all Purchase Order Items are cancelled, the Purchase Order Status transitions to ‘Cancelled’.

After the Purchase Order reaches this status it is not editable.


When all Purchase Order Items

on the Purchase Order



Received and/or partially


Canceled, the Purchase Order status transitions to ‘Received’.

After the Purchase Order reaches this status it is not editable.


Purchase Order List section

  • This section displays a list of Purchase Orders that match the search criteria that was specified in the 'Purchase Order Search' section.
  • The list can be sorted by clicking the header of any of the columns.
  • Purchase Order Search screen → Purchase Order List section:

Purchase Order List section

Field / Control
titleFields & Controls

Fields & ControlsDescription

New PO buttonImage Modified


After the required fields are populated, the 'Save' button can be clicked.

When the new Purchase Order is saved, the 'Product List' section will appear.


Required Purchase Order Header fieldsImage Removed

(Refer to the 'How To Create New Purchase Order' section on the 'Purchase Order Details screen in 4.0' wiki User Guide page.)

View PO buttonImage Modified

  1. Select a Purchase Order from the list.
  2. Click the 'View PO' button; or,
  3. Click an Internal #, or E-PO #, hyperlink to open the 'Purchase Order Details' screen.
Last Updated
  • The 'Last Update Date' is the date on which the Purchase Order was last updated.
  • The update applies to any of the editable fields on the Purchase Order, including the 'Comments' and 'Delivery' fields, which can be updated while the Purchase Order is in the 'New', 'Sent', or 'Incomplete' status.
  • 'Updated By' is the User who made the last update to the Purchase Order.
  • The update applies to any of the editable fields on the Purchase Order, including the 'Comments' and 'Delivery' fields, which can be updated while the Purchase Order is in the 'New', 'Sent', or 'Incomplete' status.
Page Controls

List Page ControlsImage Added

  • The
Purchase Order
  • List
is retrieved in 'pages'.  The
  • Page Controls provide the ability to navigate to the
  • First,
  • Previous,
  • Next,
  • Last, or
specific page.FieldDescriptionVendor

A list of the existing vendors within your system.  You can search by vendor name or keyword. 

Image Removed (Add Vendor) Opens a dialog box to add a new vendor to the system.ContractOnce an existing vendor has been selected, you can choose a specific contract with that vendor if one exists.Internal #:Automatically generated internal PO number, once this PO has been saved. Requisition No:Automatically generated requisition number, once this PO has been saved.E-PO NumberAutomatically generated E-PO number, once this PO has been saved.  Only used for vendors set to generate Electronic POs.CommentsAny comments about this specific purchase order.PO DateThe date the PO will be saved as created in the system.  Defaults to the current date, but can be set in the future if this PO may take a few days to build.Delivery DateThe date you are requesting the vendor deliver the products by.  StatusAll POs start out in New status until they have been Sent.  The status in this field updates along with the progress of the PO. UnitThe Hospital Unit (Inventory Area) for which the Purchase Order has been prepared; and, to whom the Purchase Order Items will be delivered.Direct Inquiries ToAny questions about this PO should be sent to this VetView User.Charge AccountIf the selected unit has an internal charge account, the account that the PO costs should be tracked against.Delivery ContactThe VetView user who should be notified once this PO has been delivered.  This may be a different person than the Direct Inquiries To personnel.DeliveryAny additional comments about the delivery.CostsThe estimated cost calculations of the purchase order. 

You can start filling this out, then click on the Save button to create the PO in the system.  This PO will save in New status until you indicate that it has been sent.

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Add New Vendor

If this PO is for a vendor that is not in your system, you can click on the green plus sign next to the Vendor field to add a new vendor on the fly.

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FieldDescriptionVendor NameThe name of this vendor as it will be stored in the system.  This should be the formal name that the vendor will be paid against.Vendor CodeA short hand code for this vendor, such as an acronym or nickname.  Contact NameThe name of the sales associate at the vendor to whom any inquiries about this PO should be addressed at the vendor.AddressThe vendor's mailing and/or billing address,PhoneThe vendor's phone number.  This may also be the phone number directly to the sales associate in charge of your hospital's account.FaxThe vendor's fax number.EmailThe vendor's email address.  This may also be the email address of the sales associate in charge of your hospital's account.CommentsAny additional comments about this vendor. Account NoThe hospital's internal account number for the vendor.  This will become a searchable field on the Vendor Search screen.Accepts Credit Cards?Indicates that this vendor will take a credit card.  If this flag is not turned on, invoices must be paid through checks or alternate means.Electronic POsIndicates that this vendor accepts E-POs.

Purchase Order Details

When a PO in New status has all the required details needed to be submitted, this screen will change on Save to show the Product List.

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FieldDescriptionPick List Opens a previously saved Inventory Pick List.  Use this to check the existing inventory against items known to be needed by the unit, and quickly add those items to reorder.Save as Pick ListSaves the current list of items as a new Inventory Pick List.  This can speed up the process of reordering the most commonly used products by the unit.Add Items Below Min Stock QuantityAutomatically fills in any items below the minimum stock quantity for the inventory area.  Requires that the Min Stock levels be set under Product Setup.Expand Inventory DetailsAdds additional columns to the current item list to display the known Quantity on Hands, the Minimum Quantity, and the Pending Quantity. Collapse Inventory DetailsHides the Qty on Hand, Min Qty, and Pending Qty columns. 

Add Vender's Known Products to PO Product List

The Product column has a search field and drop down menu that contains only the vendor's previously linked products.

You can select a product directly from this list to reorder it.

Image Removed

Link Existing product to Vendor

If the product exists in your system but is not yet associated with the vendor, you can link it to the vendor from this screen.

Click on the green plus sign next to the product search field to open the Add/Link Product to Vendor dialog box. 

Choose Link Existing Product to Vendor and search for the Product.  Fill out any of the details in Vendor Product Info.

Image Removed

FieldDescriptionProduct SectionSearch for a product using the line and sequence, or search via keyword.DescriptionThe product descriptions and product type will display here after you have selected product.Product PricingThe pricing information for the product will automatically display here. Vendor Product InformationThe default vendor's name, address, and pricing information will load here.

Add New Product to VetView via PO Screen

If this is a brand new product that will need to be created in your system, you can use the Add/Link Product to Vendor form to Add New Product and create the product from scratch.

Image Removed

FieldDescriptionProduct LineThe product line that this new product will exist within.Sequence NumberThe sequence number for this new product.  Click on the Next button to automatically load a new sequence.NameThe product name as it will display within VetView internally.  The Billing Description is how it will appear on the patient orders.Product TypeThe product type.  Most products added during a PO will be of type Inventory.CategoryThe internal product category. Base PriceThe internal base price that the hospital will charge for this product.Sales UnitHow this product will be sold.  If an item can be sold as a fraction of less than one sales unit, select Fractional Quantity.MarkupThe markup that will be charged for this product.Minimum PriceThe minimum price that should be charged, if this is different from the base price.  This is an optional field.Volume DiscountIf the product qualifies for discounts when purchased in bulk, the discount can be chosen here.Product Tax CategoryIf this product should be taxed, choose the tax category to apply to it.Vendor NameThe name of the vendor that was pulled in from the PO screen.  Sales/Stock/Order QtysThe ratios of sales to stock and of stock to order for this product, and the pricing for each as it is charged from the vendor. 

Print Purchase Order

When you have finished adding all the details, you can print a copy of the Purchase Order for records retention.

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Purchase Order Tab (List of products)

For POs in Sent or Incomplete status, you can view the list of products requested in the PO, and modify the PO based on the actual status of the items.

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Start New Receiving

This option will create a new Delivery tab.

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Cancel Remaining Unreceived Items

If the remaining items on an Incomplete PO cannot be delivered, you may cancel them and leave the delivered items on the PO as they are.

Image Removed

You will be asked to confirm this step.

Expand/Collapse Inventory Details

This option is available for users who may be on smaller or larger screens.   The button acts as a toggle.

Smaller screens can collapse the inventory details to see fewer columns.

Image Removed

Larger screens can expand the details to see additional columns.

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Delivery Tab(s)

Each time Start New Receiving is clicked, a new Delivery tab for that date will appear.

You can add as many deliveries as it takes to receive the entire Purchase Order.

Image Removed

Each Delivery Tab has a place to enter the date, the Received By, and the items that were delivered.

Image Removed

FieldDescriptionPrint Stocking ReportShows where each item in the PO delivery was ultimately stocked.Add All ItemsCopies all remaining undelivered items from the original PO to this delivery. Upload Packing SlipAllows the upload of a scanned image or PDF of the packing slipMark Delivery CompleteOnce all items have been received, click this to lock the delivery. Delete DeliveryIf this delivery was created in error, you can delete it.Expand/Collapse Inventory DetailsHides or displays the additional quantity columns. 

Print Stocking Report

This report shows where each item in the PO delivery was ultimately stocked either manually or via Auto Stock.

Image Removed

Upload Packing Slip

Use this option to attach the vender's packing slip to the PO as part of the delivery.  This can be any image or PDF file.

The packing slip can then be downloaded by clicking on its name.

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Purchase Order Log (History)

This tab displays a running log of changes made against the Purchase Order since it was created.

Image Removed

Add to Log

This button allows you to add a note manually to the log.

You can also add a PO Alert on this tab.   PO Alerts are created on the Alert Type Setup Tab.

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The Purchase Order Alert becomes a searchable flag on the PO Search Screen.

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  • Specific Page within the list view.
    • First Page List Page Control buttonImage Added - First Page
    • Previous Page List Page Control buttonImage Added - Previous Page
    • Specific Page List Page Control buttonImage Added - Specific Page
    • Next Page List Page Control buttonImage Added - Next Page
    • Last Page List Page Control buttonImage Added - Last Page

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